Monday, August 20, 2012

Highs and lows = a recipe for vodka coolers

So lately my breakfasts have been going downhill and I'm slowly returning to my toast eating breakfast days. That's exactly what I had for breakfast this morning.

Now, I keep telling myself it's not that bad. Yes I know that breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. But at least it's multigrain bread with seeds right? And just a little bit of butter? Either way it's an improvement over my typical breakfasts two or three months ago which usually consisted of nothing other than a soy chai tea latte. Either way, I'm making a point of eating something more substantial tomorrow morning! Any guesses on what? Hint - I have moments were I become a creature of habit.

Due to my small breakfast choice, by the time I got to work I was hungry again so I ate my pear.

I don't think I've eaten pear in years. It's not that I don't like them, they are just a fruit I never think to buy. I'm going to have to change that though, because ripe pear is pretty darn good!! And it was also good that I ate my pear, because I was going to need some energy (and patience) for the rest of my trying morning. I won't bore you with the details (nothing that exciting or dramatic anyway), but by the time lunch rolled around I was ready for a mental break.

Today I brought leftover pizza from yesterday's night out. Pizza was as good today as it was yesterday! Too bad my photography skills were not on par...

Confession. I ate three pieces. But in all fairness they were little. And delicious. I returned to a working frame of mind, got some stuff done and had a snack. It's been awhile since I had some grapes and almonds, so that's what I packed this morning. 10 of each. You knew I'd count!

Finally....quittin' time! By the time I left work, I was so mentally exhausted and really annoyed. I had to try real hard to concentrate on driving and shut my inner complainy voice up so that I could make it home in one piece. I knew that I NEEDED Burnaby Hit today...for sanity purposes. But first, I ate a protein bar. Good bye chocolate craving and shut up inner complainy voice.

After I ate it, I changed my clothes and headed out to Burnaby Hit. Sarah was in today and motivated me right through the circuit. Today was a great work out. I completely zoned out, pushed hard and focused all my negative energy on the punching bags. I know I was concentrating on my workouts because sometimes I didn't even realize the time at my station was done. Sometimes (lots of the time) I'm counting down the minutes 'til the intensity stops for 15 seconds of heaven haha! Today, I made it through the circuit, sweaty, red-faced and out of breathe...and I felt FANTASTIC. About 100 times better than when I walked through the door 30 minutes earlier. So then I went and got my husband from work and we headed home.

My husband who suggested we BBQ for dinner tonight and enjoy the sun. I thought this was a fantastic idea. This meant that we had to do a pit stop on the way home to pick up some meat for my hubby to throw on the grill. This also meant I had to stop at the liquor store to buy a vodka cooler. In my world BBQ + sun + stressful day = vodka cooler. Shannon mathematics 101. I drank the cooler once I got home...while we barbequed.

I've yet to read the label on one of these. I know it's probably not good. So instead, I ignore the label and try to make sure I only drink one if I do drink them. Another justification is that I only drink them less than half the year - in summer. BBQ season. Speaking of BBQ season, tonight's dinner was a grilled steak for my hubby, with potatoes (boiled with green onions sauteed in butter with seasoning salt - real healthy) and Caesar salad. My husband was my sous chef again and I was thankful!

I tried to also make corn on the cob with this but when I went to the grocery store on the way home all of the corn was gross looking. I then gave up and decided this was all I wanted to eat for dinner. You might also have noticed this was NOT on a salad sized plate either. I ate WAY too much potatoes. Probably 'cause my silly butt was hungry.

So that was my eating day. There were highs (fruit, almonds, Burnaby Hit, my husband) and lows (work, sugar, I mean vodka coolers and portions out of control) but I made it through without doing too much damage to my routine. Plus, I drank lots of water AND got a workout it today. A good one. Next step....tackle tomorrow.

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