Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Who needs New Years to start fresh?

Wow. It's been awhile huh? I took a peek at the last date I blogged, gasped, and then realized something. There's a reason I've been watching all the pounds and inches I lost slowly but surely creep back on. There's a reason my work clothes fit too tight for my liking. There's a reason my summer wardrobe from last year doesn't fit at all. Why? Cause I gave up. I gave up on hit, I gave up on photo blogging my food and progress, and ultimately I gave up on myself. How disappointing is that?? I mean I can sit here and rationalize and justify all the reasons why I quit on myself. I was busy with work. I was stressed a lot. My anxiety had flared up. I take transit to work now and my husband takes the car. I was tight financially. And on. And on. But the truth is that while all of the above might be valid, at the end of the day, I had a choice and I made it. And the body I see when I look in the mirror, the clothes that don't fit well (or at all) and the fact that my endurance and overall fitness has drastically decreased are all the consequences of that decision. Bottom line - I feel like crap. That being said, I made a decision today. I'm going to quit feeling sorry for myself, quit making excuses and do something about this! Most importantly, I'm making a decision to make myself a priority again!

Today I started with baby steps. I set some small goals.

1. Stop drinking Starbucks EVERY day. I'm going to try for 3 times per week. 
2. Use the money I'm saving from my Starbucks semi-boycott and rejoin Burnaby hit. 
3. Start taking pics of my food again. 

And finally...

4. Take a new 'before' pic, re-measure myself and try not to cry!!

Progress to come....stay tuned!

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