Friday, June 6, 2014

Motivated by bum

So here's the deal. I stopped my blog and my photo diet about eight months ago. I haven't been exercising for the past two months. In all honestly, I started slipping a bit before then. Work got busy. Money got tight. I told myself I didn't have time for 30 Minute Hit and that if I was only going to go once per week I couldn't afford it. I told myself I'd run instead. And I did for awhile. But then I found excuses not to do that too....some legit (nerve pain in my calf), some not (I don't have time to exercise). And as a result my pants got tighter. My energy level dipped. I craved carbs constantly. I drank a lot of wine. Ok, well that last one is pretty normal.

 I realized that I'm sick of sitting around slowly watching all the progress I made last year slip away. I'm even more sick of not so slowly watching my ass grow bigger.

Anyone who has my husband as a friend on facebook knows that he's an ass guy. He loves looking at bums.  You can tell from the constant stream of 'booty of the day' and 'big booty of the day' and whatever other booty group he follows on facebook. Sometimes I think he has a problem! Some women would probably wonder if I'm okay with it and does it bother me? The answer is usually yes I am and no it doesn't. Why? Because usually I'm pretty secure in myself and the way I look. Plus, it helps that he reassures me on an almost hourly basis that he loves my ass best of all! And his hand is magnetically attracted to my bum - I'm constantly swatting it away. However I did notice that lately seeing the smoking hot bums on facebook was irritating me. When I thought about why I realized it has nothing to do with my husband and everything to do with me. I don't like how my ass looks as much as he does anymore. I'm feeling insecure.

Rather than continuing to pout about it, and do nothing about it, I decided that the best way to like my bum again is to get my ass in gear! Pun intended! I don't really want to end up having to start over completely from day 1!! There's still hope!'s what I did. I got my bum out of bed early even though it's my day off. I drove my husband to work (dropped my kid off on the way) so that I can have the car. I told myself "Shannon. You ARE returning to Burnaby Hit today. No excuses." Then I proceeded to do all the running around I needed to do, while keeping in mind that Hit is open until 1pm on Fridays. I dropped off paperwork at Children's Hospital. I went to get an x-ray done on my knee. Then the excuses started creeping into my brain. "Well, it's getting late and you still have other things to do. Maybe you can just go tomorrow. It's Saturday and you have to be in that area in the morning anyway..."  Then I slapped myself and said stop it!! Okay, not literally, more like a mental slap. I reminded myself of the bum I want and the fact that summer is basically here and it would be nice to wear shorts without stressing about it. And I reminded myself that

So I went to Hit!! Yay me!!

I almost died during the circuit. Holy crap that workout is hard - I had almost forgotten. But once I got there, the familiar surroundings along with my perfectionist tendencies pushed me to work my ass off (another pun) and I made it through the circuit, giving it my all, dripping with sweat while Genevieve cheered me on! I sat down afterwards (fell might be a more appropriate description) and did everything in my power to not give in to the nausea. It reminded me of the time I made my husband do the circuit for a cancer fundraiser - 'cept he did throw up haha! Despite the fact that I was holding down my breakfast (toast and a chai latte - really need to work on that again), I felt GOOD! I was happy, felt less stressed and remembered how awesome it is to punch and kick my way to a toned body....with a firm ass!

I felt so good that I decided to make a sandwich stacked full of veggies for lunch. I felt so good that I'm going back tomorrow. I felt so good I decided I wasn't going to swat my husband's hand away when he inevitably grabs my bum after I pick him up from work. I felt so good that I decided to start my blog back up!

And on that note - no food pics for today. I'll aim for tomorrow.

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