Sunday, October 14, 2012

Catch up post 1: pre-trip

Okay, I'm going to be honest. Between being crazy busy at work, going to Edmonton for the long weekend and dealing with my own OCD/anxiety issues, I've gotten way off track in terms of my blog. It's been like 10 days! I was taking all the pictures still, but not finding/setting aside time to work on my blog. Eventually, after falling about 8 days behind, I'll admit, I got down on myself, gave up and stopped taking pics (for a day). Part of it was because I missed my blog and couldn't fathom where I'd find time to get caught up and part of it was guilt/self-pity about my not so great eating during my trip to Edmonton. So I decided to give up. Probably, I should've cut myself some slack. After all, I went for 2 runs and also went to Edmonton Hit while I was away for the long weekend, but some how my perfectionist tendencies got the best of me and I was upset with myself for my 'slips'. Today, I realized I was going about this all wrong and decided to do a three part quickie catch up blog. No stories (well maybe minimal stories), and mostly just pics of my eats. This way, I can get caught up, get back on track and will feel better about myself, my eats, my fitness and everything else! So here goes...part one - pre-trip to Edmonton.

Note - some of the pics have labels...the rest I thought you could figure out ;-)

Monday Oct1

                                                                               Chickpea salad

                           Black bean quesadilla.

And I went to Hit too! Like my kick the *&%! out of cancer t-shirt?! Day one of the fundraiser!

I also found time to go to a Girl Guide District meeting too.

Tuesday Oct 3

                                                                                     Black bean quesadilla (again)

Worked evenings = no Hit :-(

Wednesday Oct 3


Sandwich, veggies and dip, pickles, cookie           Rice and asparagus

Didn't eat much, but went to Hit! Not once, but twice!! Yay (for the Hit part)! I needed to get as many workouts in as possible, partly because of the kick the *&%! out of cancer fundraiser and partly to make up for the missed time that would be happening with my upcoming trip. I also went to Girl Guides and then brought my guinea pig to my sister's house. She was babysitting him while my family goes to Edmonton for Thanksgiving. :-)

Thursday Oct 4

Thursday morning, I was stressed about my upcoming trip and the fact that I had done NOTHING to prepare for it, so ended up skipping breakfast. Unless my Starbucks soy chai latte counts?

I went to work with no food, but somehow got some work done. On my lunch, I needed to 1. get food and 2. de-stress, so I went for a walk down Robson. While on my walk, I saw a gorgeous dress in the window of Bebe...the kind of dress I used to wish I could wear, but never felt like I would look good in with my extra flab. But now, since I've been working out and eating well (mostly) I felt like it was possible that I might have the kind of body that would look good in the dress. So, I went in the store and tried it on. So here's where it gets a bit crazy...or at least I do. For people like my family and my husband, who know me well, this 'Shannon is crazy moment' probably won't come as a surprise. The rest of you might shake your heads...but don't laugh...too hard anyway!

Once I got the dress on and was standing in the fitting room, I had a 'moment'. I was completely indecisive...I thought it looked good, but needed a second opinion. My self-consciousness got the best of me (again) and I'm well aware of the fact that I am constantly battling my distorted image of my body. So, I wanted to send a pic of me in the dress to my husband who is fully prepared for my random craziness. Unfortunately, my phone makes really loud noises when I take pictures and I suddenly felt like if the sales person or other customers heard me taking pictures of myself in the ladies change room that it would be the most embarrassing thing in the world at that could happen to me at that moment in time. So I did what any rational woman would do...and I took a video of myself in the dress. You might wonder why? Because it's SILENT!!

So here's what I sent my husband.

See how crazy I am?? He thinks I'm nuts! And unfortunately his phone wouldn't play the file. So I left the store without a second opinion, without the dress, and feeling ridiculous and confused. Sigh.

Here's my eats the rest of this day. It called for two glasses of wine.

Falafel wrap                                 Fruit explosion muffin                         Hot chocolate

    Parmesan garlic red pepper linguini

Worked evenings = No Hit again. Packed for Edmonton. Went to bed. That sums up my pre-trip/busy week eats. Stay tuned for the trip summary!

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