Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!!

I'll drink to that!

Next up a Saturday - Sunday double take. Saturday morning started off with a quick piece of multigrain toast on my way out the door.

Where was I going bright and early Saturday morning? To pick up my friend from the airport! Yay! I hadn't seen her in a long time and was excited to spend the day with her. I didn't even feel guilty about missing Burnaby Hit to do's been a long time! After I picked her up, we drove back to my place, parked the car and went for a walk to grab a coffee. Starbucks soy chai latte for me!

When we got back to my house, we chatted for a bit. It was really nice catching up! All of the friends I've made since living here are great and I value our friendships a lot. But there's something comforting about friendships where you share a longer history together. I guess that will come in time with the new friendships too! For me personally though, I also know that I need to work on prioritizing time for friends in my life. I often get so caught up in doing things for everyone else in my family, particularly my daughter, that I won't have a chance to spend time with my friends for months at a time! I sense another goal formulating....

After the gab session on my couch, we all (me, my friend and my family) headed downtown to walk around and have lunch before dropping my friend off at her hotel. Lucky girl was going to the Madonna concert that evening! For me, lunch was tofu yellow curry on rice from Thai Express. It had pineapple, potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers. It tasted as good as fast food curry gets.

After lunch, we dropped my friend off at her hotel and headed home. I didn't have time to be sad or miss her because as soon as we got home it was time to get ready to go out again. Tonight was a surprise 30th birthday party for a friend! Fun! In between showering, getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup, I managed to find time to eat a protein bar.

Once I was ready we headed out to Maple Ridge. My friends that know me well, also know that I'm more or less late for everything. So the surprise was at 7pm, which meant my friend wanted everyone there by 6:30. And since she wanted everyone there for 6:30, she asked me to be there for 6:00. I arrived at 6:15 which worked perfectly for everyone! Shortly after 7pm, her husband - the birthday boy - arrived. We all huddled in the living room in anticipation of the big surprise when he walked in the door....but he took his sweet time getting in. Eventually he came in and was definitely surprised - the surprise party was a success!

Once the birthday boy arrived, the party started. My girlfriend had made some kind of alcohol punch that looked like this.

So that is picture of drink one. Times it by roughly 6-8 and you have my alcohol consumption for the night. I lost count. What the hell, it's not like I go hard on a regular basis right? And I had my husband as the designated driver. Plus, I don't think there was tons of alcohol in the punch because I didn't fall asleep on the car ride home like the last time I 'went hard'. Insert embarrassed face here.

Anyway, enough about my alcohol consumption. Just like at any good party, there were snacks to go around. I managed to limit my food indulgence to what was on this plate... maybe another 3-4 pieces of bread with spinach dip. Not horrible. Tasted great. As did the cake.

Only a small piece! We spend the night laughing in front of a fire in their back yard. The kids remained semi-oblivious to the adult fun and spend most of the night jumping on the trampoline. Good times for all. We left the party around midnight and headed home. I was a happy girl, saw three of my girlfriends all in one night! Big smiles from me!

On the way home, my husband and I decided we were hungry. Normally, I know eating at midnight is not a great for the waistline. This evening my judgment was a bit impaired, so I really didn't care! We stopped in at Domino's Pizza and got two small ones - cheese for me, meat lovers for my hubby. When we got home, I had two pieces.

And a vodka cooler. You know, 'cause I hadn't had enough yet.

I sat up with my hubby for a bit, then went to bed. That was the end of my Saturday!

You would think that I would've been hungover Sunday morning right? Wrong. I felt great. Weird. I'm not one for sitting around in the morning, so shortly after waking up (around 10), I went for a walk around the neighbourhood with my husband. Not too far, around 2.5km. When we got home, I made myself a piece of multigrain toast.

I was out of cereal and yogurt again.The rest of my morning consisted of a bit of laundry and a bit of work I brought home to do over the weekend. Not sure what possessed me to work on reports from home on a Sunday morning but I did. Less to do Monday maybe? Around lunch time my daughter and I reheated some of the leftover pizza.

Maybe not the healthiest choice, but definitely a frugal choice. I'm trying to use up all the leftovers in my fridge before we go to Edmonton next weekend! In the afternoon, my hubby and daughter went out to get her IPOD touch screen fixed for our road trip. I continued to do work from home and after about two hours of that, decided to go for another walk. This time I walked to the mall. I tried on clothes that fit wonderfully but for some reason didn't buy them. Then I walked back to the butcher shop by my home where my husband and daughter picked me up. All in all, I walked 7.5km through hilly Burnaby. I deserved a protein bar for that!

It was my last one! At least until I make my next batch when I get home from Edmonton.

I then decided to BBQ dinner with the stuff I picked up from the butcher shop.And while I BBQ, I like to drink a vodka cooler.

It makes me feel like summer...even though it's clearly fall. Dinner on the BBQ consisted of grilled potatoes and sun-dried tomato/feta stuffed zucchini for me and the addition of steak for my hubby and daughter. I also made us some ceasar salad. Yum....

After dinner I cuddled on the couch with my daughter and watched the last season summary episode of our favourite 'mommy-chicklet time' show - Once Upon a Time. Then, we watched this season's premier too! Love that show! By the second episode we were ready for some munchies, so we ate the last of my Jalapeno-cheddar Doritos. Here was my portion.

Thank god those are done! No presence = no temptation for me!

And that was my eats this weekend. I think I have some work to do this week to make up for some of it.... :-)

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