Monday, October 1, 2012

Trying to man up

Okay. Let's face it. I've fallen way behind on my blog. I've been keeping up with the photography and taking pictures of everything I eat. I've even been keeping up with uploading them to the computer. But somehow, I just haven't been keeping up with the blogging part so am constantly trying to catch up. So I'm going to try to fix that today with a triple day post - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in one. Hopefully, once I'm caught up I'll be able to stay that way!

Wednesday morning's breakfast was something like this. Quick and easy.

I ate and started working right away...I was working from home that day. This worked out perfectly because it also happened that my daughter was sick on Wednesday, so I was able to stay at home with her. I felt bad because staying home sick meant my daughter was missing both picture day AND a pizza party her classed earned for doing the best in a school-wide fundraiser. So I tried to make it better for her by taking a lunch break and making 'do-it-yourself' mini pizzas. Sick or not sick, I was going to be a good momma and bring the pizza party to her!

My pizza is on the right and her's is on the left. I'm pretty sure she made a triple cheese layered pizza. Mine stuck to the bare minimum!

The before...

...and the after!!

I'd like to say my daughter and I 'pizza partied' all afternoon, but I'd be lying. She was sick and I had work to do. So she laid on the couch and I worked on my computer. Her dad came home from work and didn't seem to be feeling great either, so after I wrapped up my report writing for the day, I rushed out to get in a 30 minute hit. It felt darned good and when I got back home, I ate a protein bar...

...followed by a glass of wine while I made dinner.

Dinner tonight was soup with 'dippers'. Thank you Rachel Ray!

After dinner, my family all went to bed. I stayed up and ate raspberries, had another glass of wine...

...and ate toast.

Again. It was like deja vu of my favourite eats from earlier today! And that wraps up my Wednesday.

Thurday started like this. Starbucks soy chai latte.


My daughter was home sick again, my husband stayed with her and I still somehow didn't have time to make myself breakfast before running out the door. Go figure. I did however have time to pack myself a morning snack (10 of each)...

...and a lunch (leftovers from the Wednesday's dinner.

Because my daughter was home sick with my husband, I didn't need to do a split shift this Thursday. Instead, I just stayed at work and worked right through to my evening shift. This was good because it meant I could leave work early Friday. It was bad, because I had nothing packed for dinner. I thought about and tried to hold off further eating until when I got home at 8:30ish, but the carb and sweet cravings kicked in and I caved. My dinner was a Tim Horton's hot chocolate and fruit explosion muffin. Sigh....

I can't even begin to express to you all how guilty I felt while eating this!

After my program, I headed home. When I got there I ate a protein bar ('cause I hadn't already had enough sweet stuff in my eats today).

And then I decided that I was going to make my muffin and hot chocolate into an afternoon snack and have dinner late instead. So I made a salad.

Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, cucumbers, shredded cheese and sunflower seeds with Italian dressing. There. That was better. A real dinner. At 9pm. Oh well, at least my husband and daughter got to eat earlier at a reasonable time. Do I even need to mention I had a glass of wine with 'dinner'?

And because I can't seem to get a hold of myself in the evenings anymore, and have been regularly caving to carb cravings I also had a piece of multigrain toast and a handful of Jalapeno-cheddar doritos for a late night snack (or two). 

Sigh. I don't even want to talk about it. More guilt!! Let's just move onto Friday okay?

I told myself it was going to be a better eating day. Actually, I told myself I was going to be healthier all around today. So the first thing I did when I woke up is went for a run. Yep. Hell froze over...again. I ran 3.5 km in about 23 minutes. Not bad for me running first thing in the AM. Have I mentioned I'm not a morning person?

When I get back I ate the last of my raspberry yogurt and Kashi honey almond flax cereal.

Then I got ready and headed to work. My hubby took my daughter to school as she was feeling better. All was well in my world. My morning at work consisted of a staff meeting. My last one at Vancouver Parole for awhile. I was kind of sad thinking about it! I'll miss working here...but at least I'm going back to my old job working with some really great people!

Because I worked some extra hours Thursday, not long after my meeting I was able to head home, where I decided to eat some lunch. I was torn between keeping up the healthy choices I had made so far and engaging in a pity party about leaving Vancouver Parole. I decided on both and lunch was a salad (yay healthy choices) with nachos (yay pity party).

I spent some time in the afternoon cleaning my house as I had a friend arriving in town on Saturday...I'd had enough of house guests arriving to see my messy house! Afterwards, I went to pick up my daughter from school...right after eating a protein bar.

When I got to her school it was raining, which really sucked because it was her school's fall festival fundraiser! We toughed it out and eventually it cleared up (in between bouts of rain). It was a really fun fundraiser I must say. My chicklet had tons of fun going on a giant bouncy slide, getting a glittery 'princess' tattoo, playing carnival games, getting a blue streak in her hair and trying to throw a whipped cream pie in her principal's face. Did I mention she also got to go in a giant hamster ball?

Good times all in all. Thank god she wasn't still sick! Somehow, I managed to keep the festival food to a minimum. I even had a fruit cup they were giving away!

Not too bad for a festival if I do say so myself.  After our fun filled evening, my daughter and I went home after picking up my hubby who had gone to work despite not feeling that great himself. When I got home, I watched television with my family and enjoyed a glass of wine...

 ...followed by a piece of multigrain toast with three raspberries.

Well four actually. I ate one before I took the picture. Oops. And that was it for my eats over the past three days. Hope my super long post didn't bore you. Next up is the weekend...coming soon!

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