Sunday, July 29, 2012

A kind of lazy Sunday

This morning I was thrilled because I managed to sleep in to 10am, which doesn't seem to happen much lately. Shortly after I was up, so was my chicklet and her friend who slept over last night. My husband was still sleeping, the girls wanted some cereal and I wanted toast. I thought about how I should really do the cereal with yogurt thing, but I REALLY wanted toast. Then, after getting the girls organized with their cereal, I went to grab the multigrain bread to make my toast and I was FOILED! The bread went bad! So I guess this was a blessing in disguise because I ended up with the Kashi cereal and raspberry yogurt choice and it was yummy. Why didn't I want to eat this again?

After I ate, I checked on the girls and they were happily giggling and playing xbox kinnect. So, I decided my husband could handle it on his own with the tweens and I went for a run. I must say I was kind of disappointed with my run today. At first.

I have a few routes that I regularly run in my neighborhood, and typically, I run my routes without stopping to walk. Today, I just couldn't do it! I had to stop twice to walk...not far and never longer than one block. I felt like I was dying running today! I supposed it could be all in my head, but I really think it was the heat. Normally I run in the morning before it gets to hot, but most frequently, I run in the evening when the suns starting to set and it's definitely cooler. Today I chose noonish for my run...and it was hot! Anyway I pushed myself hard the last bit of my run and made it to my new finish line. I didn't run the whole route I was planning to run and had adjusted it while running. When I got to that finish line, I looked at my stopwatch and seen that my new modified route had taken exactly 27 minutes and 34 seconds. I was convinced I hadn't run far and delayed mapping it on 'map my run' when I got home because I didn't want to see how much I sucked! When I walked in the door, I got a glass of water, looked in the mirror (red tomato face - check), and downed my protein bar.

Shortly after, I 'mapped my run' and guess what? I had ran 4.5km. I think the heat made me crazy!! I was definitely not disappointed with that, but I now think I shouldn't run in the heat because my mind plays tricks on me! This was a lesson in getting over my obsessive perfectionism. I realized, sheepishly, that the reason I felt so down on myself wasn't because I hadn't done a good job ('cause I had), I was disappointed (and pouting) because things didn't go as perfectly as I had planned and I hadn't ran the 5km route I originally wanted to. I chastised myself for being so hard on myself...and moved on with my day in a better frame of mind.

My daughter's friend went home and she was occupied with a hardcore dancing game on the xbox and my husband went out to a friends, so I decided to lie in the sun in my backyard. It was great! My chicklet and I had a late lunch in the afternoon. She had mini pizzas and I had my pita-salad. I REALLY like these.

I'm not sure what all went down for the rest of the afternoon, but I don't really remember doing much and somehow the day flew past. My hubby got home from his friends and we took a walk to Safeway to pick up a few veggies I needed for tonight's dinner: stir-fry on rice. When we got back, my fantastic husband offered up his sous chef skills again and we made dinner together. I must say, I really like it when he helps me cook! And while we made supper, we had a glass of wine each. What the hell. It's the weekend right?

And I must say that dinner was really good. My stir-fry was straight veggies and my hubby and daughter had some chinese five spice/teriyaki chicken over top theirs. The other good news is there was enough leftover for lunch tomorrow which means one less thing I have to think about in the am!

We ate supper quite early for our house. Usually because of our crazy schedules we end up eating at 7 - 7:30, even 8pm some nights! Ridiculous. Today we ate dinner around 5pm...which meant I was really hungry by 7. And here's where I caved. And ate a handful of chips. Plain, salty, ruffled ones. Sigh. I only feel a little bit bad about it though 'cause it was only one handful, and for me, sticking to only one handful of chips once I start is a pretty big deal.

The saltiness made me crave sweet, and I began having thoughts of the 100 calorie chocolate dip granola bars in my cupboard and of my protein bars sitting in the fridge. I ignored those thoughts as much as possible and went about baking the banana muffins I had told my family I was making this week. While doing so, I drank LOTS of water to keep my mind off the food. About half an hour later, my muffins were ready and of course I HAD to try one. They were so good and the bonus was they satisfied my craving for sweet.

My husband, the evil ectomorph who never gains a pound had TWO and with butter. My daughter has to wait for hers in the morning 'cause I had made them after she went to bed. Which of course means I'll have to bake something with her tomorrow now. Hmmm....any suggestions on a 'healthy' baked treat?

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so awesome! I am so proud of you...I am down for 3 runs this week (meaning I have to do them!) Do you want to do an evening run? Running is soooo much better when you go with a person..I am slow as molasses but I know it will get better. Let me know if you want to -I am home by 4 pm and can go anytime before 8:30 pm.
