Saturday, July 28, 2012

The morning after...

I'd like to be able to say that I lead an incredibly exciting life and that I was so busy being out and having fun last night that by the time I got home I needed to crash in bed. The truth of the matter is that I fell asleep on the couch while waiting for my husband to get off the computer. Sigh. I had full intentions of doing my blog last night, I even emailed the pictures to myself off of my phone! Oh well, better late than never as they say. Will it make it better if I say that I'm eating my Kashi breakfast with yogurt while I write this??

Yesterday morning started of guessed it. Toast. On mulitgrain bread. With butter.

I couldn't help myself! I love toast! I'm cringing as I write this, but after eating my toast, dropping my daughter and husband off at summer camp and work, I went to Burnaby Hit. Maybe one day I'll learn not to go work out after eating toast. Clearly that day wasn't yesterday. I still managed to give it my all with the help of Teri. I felt an odd mix of 'good' and 'wanting to die on the floor' after the workout. So I sped home and ate this to make me feel better.

Yum yum protein bar! I showered up, did some things around the house and tried to decide what I wanted for lunch. I really didn't want a salad and nothing else was jumping out at me, so I decided to go for a walk to Safeway and buy pita bread. Then, I could stuff my salad into a pita! So I did!

While at the grocery store, I stayed strong and resisted Starbucks. Also, I picked up some raspberry yogurt to try out with my cereal, since the vanilla didn't cut it for me the other day. Stay tuned to see how it went tomorrow!

I decided to do something really luxurious in the afternoon with my free time and new found energy, so I did...laundry and cleaned up in the living room. Yes, this is what my life has come too. *Insert eye roll here*. After my luxurious afternoon, I went to pick up my chicklet at summer camp, we came home and she told me all about her day over a handful of almonds. Twenty for me. She had ten.

Shortly after, it was time to pick up her dad, so off we went. Since he works in Richmond, by the time we got home it was time to start dinner. For them - steak. For me - all the side dish stuff. I made baked potatoes on the BBQ along with the steak. (As for the recipe I used PAM olive oil spray instead of butter and less amounts of the seasonings). We also had Caesar salad and steamed broccoli. My family had theirs with mounds of homemade cheese sauce. I had mine with a tiny bit of cheese sauce on the side, just 'cause I wanted to have a little bit. But to be honest, I like broccoli, so most of it was eaten without.

And with my dinner...a glass of wine.

While eating dinner last night I was thinking about where we were eating dinner. In the living room. Again. We always eat dinner together as a family, but I think a lot of that is lost when sitting in the living room with the television. We still make a point of talking about our days, but it's not ideal. So I got to thinking that I'm going to try to make an effort to have us eat at our kitchen table more often. I feel good about that decision.

After dinner, my hubby hopped on the computer and I watched television. PVR'd episodes of design star and 'til debt do us part. I was having mad cravings for junk food, so I settled on a small bowl of popcorn sans butter or salt.

And just like last time here's the before:

And here's the after:

I again managed to not completely go overboard and only ate what it took to satisfy my craving. I also drank a ton of water yesterday. Good job me! The rest of the story ends with me falling asleep on the couch as mentioned above so I won't bore you with the details. All in all a not so bad written the morning after ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Next time ...push your hubby over and take the comp away LOL I love toast but hate potatos...they are the pretty much all green and fish only but uhhhh your brothers younger quieter counter is nothing but meat and taters....Now that I know this is up....Cut down on potatoes and get a weighted wine glass so you can keep that in the mix LOL
