Friday, July 20, 2012 two!

I started off this morning's chaos with a piece of toast. I am a huge fan of Cob's multigrain bread, and it tastes even better toasted with butter. I know I should probably put peanut butter on it instead, but I like it like this.

And on that note, I dropped off my chicklet (daughter - not quite old enough to be a chick, so she's a chicklet) at summer camp and headed to Burnaby Hit where Zunobia tortured, I mean pushed me to complete an intense and rewarding workout.While throwing a medicine ball on me when I was doing crunches on a exercise ball she told me something along the lines of "when your mind is telling you to quit that's when you get the best workout". I came to realize that there's much truth in this!

The good news? I finished even though I felt like I was going to die at any given moment. At this point I realized that I should probably eat more than a piece of toast before working out. Lesson learned? Maybe. For a smart girl, I'm sometimes a slow learn! I went home starving and decided to have a lil' snack.

Shortly after it was time for lunch so I had my leftover pasta.

I realize it looks like a hugely stacked plate, but it was a salad size one. Yes I realize it's not as healthy as if I were to have an ACTUAL salad, but step at a time!

Next on the agenda? Work. Hopped in the shower, went to work for a bit, picked up my chicklet from summer camp and hit up the grocery store. I figured if I'm going to eat dinner at home instead of grabbing fast food, I should probably buy food. I decided on Walmart for grocery shopping expedition part one, got about half of the things I needed and then proceeded to wait in one of three checkout lines for roughly 25 minutes. BRUTAL! It took every ounce of my will power to not buy  something from the evil temptation of the checkout stand. I also am proud of myself for not giving in to passion flakies. I put them in my cart, thought about what I'm doing here (umm hello, I have a hard enough time with this whole fitness-healthyish eating thing, I really don't need passion flakies sitting in my cupboard calling my name) and ultimately stuck the evil but delicious treats back on the shelf. Anyway, needless to say by the time I dropped the groceries off at home I was STARVING again. So I caved and ate this:

Have I mentioned that chips are my real weakness? In this case it was Jalapeno Cheddar Doritos that tripped me up. On a more positive note, I was able to stick to my one handful, which really is progress as I would typically end up eating most if not all of the bag. Again, public shaming works 'cause there was no way I was taking a second picture of chips to post on this blog!! And I didn't cheat. I promise.

After my poor attempt at fueling my body, I went to pick my husband up in Richmond, made a pit stop at the liquor store and Safeway, then managed to get home. It was now roughly 7pm guessed it....I was SO HUNGRY again! Unfortunately I was also feeling pretty lazy by this time and my good intentions of making a salad to go along with dinner fell through. So I settled for 'side dish stuff'.

Yes. That's right. I ate corn and scalloped potatoes for dinner. Sigh. My family had it a bit better with their BBQ chicken, but since I'm a vegetarian, that wasn't working for me. So I stuffed my face with carbs. If nothing, today has made it loud and clear to me that I need to do something about my carb habit. But on the more positive side of things, I committed to my workout today, blogged everything I ate and remained passion flakie free. My opinion = partial success!

My day ended with a super late dinner, my chicklet passed out on the couch full of chicken and potatoes, some television, and this....

I love me some Merlot! G'night all!! :-)

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