Sunday, July 22, 2012

I almost didn't make this one

I watched a movie, stayed up late and considered just going to bed and doing this tomorrow, but then I thought putting it off until tomorrow is the first step towards "getting too busy", so I sucked it up and here I am!

So remember yesterday when I said sometimes I'm a slow learn for a smart girl? Well clearly that was the case today. I woke up and was determined to go to Burnaby Hit but I was TIRED. I thought about making something to eat first, full well knowing I should always have something in my tummy before working out. But I was also kind of thinking if I put off going to Hit for any reason, there was a good chance I'd say "there's always Monday". So...I left before I could change my mind. I exercised away my guilt when I got there and Zunobia pushed me to work harder as always, which was great! Despite my poor food decision, I felt good! Luckily. Shortly after, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Burnaby Hit with some great advise on my eating habits...starting with EAT MORE PROTEIN! I decided to head into Save On foods, to correct my earlier lack of eating mistake and to finish my grocery shopping. On my grocery list...almonds. But before I went home to snack, I stopped for this:

It was my "starbucks on" day after all! I love soy chai lattes what can I say? While I was at Save On, I also decided to pick up some things I needed to make protein bars I saw on a posting on the 30 minute hit blog. So the plan is to have them available for workouts or for a snack starting tomorrow. I'll get back to you on how they taste and if they really are delicious. Anyway, upon arriving home I ate this, hopefully not too little to late!

For the record...there were 20 almonds. I counted. I showered up, did some chores then ate some lunch. I'm going to be honest I stood with my fridge door open for what seemed like an eternity longing for the leftover scalloped potatoes from last night. It was a yummy and convenient option. But then I remembered my earlier poor food decision and decided to try to fuel my body properly, so I settled for a salad instead.

You know, it really didn't take that long to make. For some reason I thought it would be much more work than it really ended up being. Some romaine, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, marble cheese and sunflower seeds with a little bit of Italian dressing = a yummy and satisfying lunch. Since the day was looking nicer than the crappy rain this morning, my family and I decided to go for a walk at Barnett Marine Park. It's beautiful there! We walked along the trail, took in some scenery and checked out the people crab fishing off the pier. Did you know you can use chicken for crab bait?! It works...I seen. My question...when the hell did a crab ever acquire a taste for chicken?? Anyway, after an interesting outing, we headed home, I was hungry and I had some multigrain toast. With butter again...but only a little bit!

By the time I ate this it was basically time to start making dinner. My sous-chef hubby made some homemade meatballs for him and our daughter and I made a sweet and sour sauce to go with it for them. I also made pineapple fried rice, which is what I ate for dinner.

Another lovely piece of advise I received from Teri at Burnaby Hit was to try to eat off a side plate to ensure healthier portions. What a great idea! I realize that maybe my meal wasn't the most balanced, but I ate what was on my plate...and stopped....and realized I was full. If I had put it on a big plate, guess what? I would've ate the whole thing and not realized I wasn't hungry! For the record, outside of the obvious rice and pineapple, this dish has peas, jalepeno pepper, raisins and cashews in it...yum.

I managed to not become hungry again after dinner and once my daughter went to bed, decided to have a glass of wine and watch a movie with my husband.

As a side note, I LOVE these glass and want to thank my BFF Marcey for getting me my first one. They're Lolita glasses and I want them all! My current collection consists of four. Anyway, my hubby and I watched the movie Takers and after watching him eat a bag of chips with dip AND ice cream, I couldn't handle it anymore and made myself a snack. I wanted to munch out too! I tried to be good, but geez, how much can one girl take? So I settled for some popcorn (I think it's a healthier choice) and even ate it without butter or salt.

 And the part I'm happiest about? Here's my before....

And here's my after! I ate only what I needed to satisfy my craving and didn't go overboard on the bowl. To be honest, I think a big part of that relates to this blog. I wanted to show myself and everyone else that I do have control over my portions and eating, even if it's not perfect control. But hey, it's okay to cut loose every once and awhile. I mean how boring is perfect? of my favourite and most inspiring postings says:


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