Thursday, July 19, 2012

So if this is going to work, I'm going to need to follow through's what I ate today.

Started off the morning not so right with my vice...Starbucks Chai Latte - Tall, soy, no water, no foam.

 For the record, this is a habit that I'm not trying to kick per say, but am trying to 'manage'. For the past two weeks I went from drinking one (or two) a day, while subsequently killing my bank account, to drinking one (only one) every two days. My debit card is happy now.

Anyone who has spend a morning in my house knows that the catchphrase for that time is "chaos". How we managed to get out of the house on time is beyond me, and even more mind blowing is the fact that I managed to quickly put this together for me. 

Can someone please explain to me why I always seem to have time to make my daughter's lunch but rarely ever my own? Anyway, the fact that I threw this together was good because by mid morning I was starving! And no guilt! It's fruit! Lunch time rolled around and I went for lunch with some coworkers for a birthday celebration. We went to a sushi restaurant on Robson called Junsei River. As in most sushi places the first thing they put in front of you is Miso I had some.

Next up, my order. I love the bento boxes with the yummy rolls, rice, teriyaki, tempura, and salad but I can never finish them, then bring them home telling myself I'll eat the rest later, and then end up throwing it out and feeling stupid for wasting money. (Side'll notice rather quick I'm not huge on leftovers except for maybe pasta reheated for lunch). So, I ordered off their lunch menu and chose tofu teriyaki and cucumber roll.

So I ate all the tofu teriyaki, half the rice and 4 of the rolls. It was good! Back to work I went and about an hour or two later was craving some chocolate. Luckily, I had also found time to throw this in my bag, so I had a little snack.

 Worked, worked and worked some more, then my lovely husband picked me up and we went home to have dinner. I made a menu for the week, which I'm hoping to stick to and first up was Rachel Ray tomato basil cheese baked pasta. Tuesday and Thursday dinners are always a struggle because I work late and my family usually wait until I get home to eat (I love my husband but if something ever happens to me, please...feed my daughter good dinners 'cause otherwise she'll be living off kd, hamburger helper and microwave dinners!!). Anyways quick dinners are a must on these days and this one is quick. It also doubles well for leftover lunch.

What's pasta without a baguette right? Anyways, you're probably thinking "that looks gross" because clearly it either doesn't photograph well or I don't photograph it well. Reality is it's DELICIOUS!! I would've (and usually do) have seconds, but somehow the idea of having to take another picture and post it online made the thought less appealing. SEE!! IT'S WORKING ALREADY! PUBLIC SHAME!

So that's my dietary day. Not great, but I suppose not horrible either. For the record, I drank 3 glasses of water today. I'm not going to take pictures of water...that's boring. My goal is to drink at least 4, knowing that 8 would be ideal...but one step at a time! Exercise consisted of walking all over downtown for work. Not much in other words. Tomorrow's plan is to go to 30 Minute Hit kickboxing class ( )which I love, highly recommend and am determined to make time for. And if I can't...then I refer to the first post's photo:  


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