Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pizza and picnics

So I got some feedback that my breakfasts basically SUCK, which isn't really something that surprised me! It does however make me a little bit embarrassed to post today's predictable and clearly not enough breakfast consisting of a piece of multi-grain toast.

In my defense I read the feedback after I ate haha!!  Actually, the funny thing about all of this is that first thing this morning, I walked to Safeway to get something my husband needed. While there, I stood in the cereal/yogurt aisle for about 15 minutes contemplating some raspberry or vanilla yogurt and granola. I couldn't for the life of me make a decision about the granola (do I want berries? do I want nuts? do I want granola at all? do I even like yogurt?) I left with nothing. And ate toast.

This is going to be a tough one for me to change. I haven't ate 'real' breakfasts probably since I was a kid. I DO NOT typically like breakfast food OR eating when I wake up. In terms of options - Eggs - no, cereal - no, milk - no. Granola/yogurt - possible. Oatmeal - a big maybe. Any other suggestions?? Help!!

P.S. - to whomever posted the links to their fave food websites with suggestions...I'll get there, I just haven't had time to do it yet ;)

So obviously by the time I got to work, I was hungry so I ate my typical almonds.

You'll notice a lot of repetition this week...there's a reason for it! Among other changes in my life I'm trying to make, my spending habits are being targeted for change. I was spending WAY too much money on food and WAY too much food was going to waste. I'm sticking to a budget and a grocery list this month and not going off script until the next grocery shop day! I'm trying to eat what I already bought this week. This also means that with the exception of maybe buying some granola and yogurt, major breakfast changes may have to wait until next week!

Shortly after my mid morning snack, lunch time rolled around. This morning, I made the time to make the whole family, including myself lunches. Since none of us seem to like the same hubby had leftover ribs over rice, my daughter had cheese, crackers and kielbasa cut up and I had a veggie sandwich. It was on multigrain bread and consisted of a little bit of mayo, romaine lettuce (been eating a lot of this type of lettuce so that I can share with my guinea pig!), cucumbers, red onions, avocado and a slice of marble cheese. I wanted Havarti, but forgot to get some while I was at Safeway this morning. Sigh.

 After dealing with some difficult people in the afternoon, I was ready for another snack. What I wanted was a bag of Ms. Vickie's salt and vinegar chips and a fruit and nut chocolate bar. What I had was a banana.

And then when I got home...I had my protein bar. This successfully subdued my chocolate craving. Yay!

 Pretty much as soon as I got home after picking my daughter up from summer camp, I immediately started making a homemade pizza. I thought of a fantastic idea...I'm going to make the pizza, shove it into one of those insulated pizza bags ( my husband's random purchase), pick up my husband and go for a picnic with my family for dinner! And that's exactly what we did. My pizza was vegetarian...sauce, cheese, red pepper, mushrooms and red onion. My hubby's/daughter's was the same, but with pizza meat.

I know that this wasn't the healthiest meal. But I'm okay with that. I'm not aiming for perfection...just a higher frequency of better choices and an honest effort at paying attention to what I'm putting in my mouth! I know myself and if I cut all the things I like out of my life...I'll quit. So I figure pizza every once an awhile won't kill me. I will however accept suggestions on how I could make the pizza healthier! Plus, oh my god, how cool was it to eat homemade fresh pizza out of a take out insulator bag at a park by the airport with my family, watching airplanes land right over our heads while we ate!! Fun!!

So this was it for my eating today. You'll notice no wine haha! Instead I drank water all day and night long. Despite my not so balanced day, I didn't feel starving by midnight and didn't feel the need to mindlessly snack in front of the T.V. On the downside, I didn't make it to Burnaby Hit today as planned. I was at worker later than planned and I had to make a decision - Burnaby Hit today and no picnic OR family picnic and no Burnaby Hit today. I opted to enjoy the weather and time with my family. BUT - to make up for it I went for a run this evening...and guess what? 5.36km in 40 minutes!! I stopped only once to walk a block and resumed running again. So proud of myself...maybe that Colour Me Rad run IS within my ability/reach!! And in the meantime, I'll be seeing the lovely ladies of Burnaby Hit this Friday and Saturday morning in order to meet my 3x/week goal! :-)


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