Monday, July 30, 2012

Feelin' pretty darn good today

So this morning was one of those mornings where the whole family sleeps in and then CHAOS ensues. Of course this happens on the first morning of summer camp. In the mad rush to get us all ready and organized I completely forgot to have breakfast. I did however, pack myself a lunch and at the last minute threw a banana muffin in for a 'breakfast' at the office.

 And since it's my 'Starbucks on' day, I had my muffin with a soy chai latte. The best breakfast choice? No. A yummy one nevertheless? Yes. Does eating it at around 10am still count as breakfast? I'm not sure.

I got busy at work today and didn't have time to even get hungry for a mid-morning snack even though I packed one. When I looked up at my clock, it was almost 1pm! So I had my lunch, which consisted of leftover stir-fry.

I REALLY wanted to go for a walk during my lunch hour today, but I was way too busy to justify leaving my desk for very long. So instead, I stayed at the office, got tons of stuff done, and had some watermelon while I worked.

I left work with full intentions of going straight from work to Burnaby Hit to get my first workout of the week in. This morning, I had even pulled out of the driveway, realized I forgot my gym stuff, reversed back in, ran into the house to grab my bag, and then raced to my chicklet's summer camp to get her there in time....all because I was committed to getting this workout in. However, on the ride home, my enthusiasm faded somewhat. I started with the mommy guilt trip (my daughter would probably not want to stay at aftercare very long on the first day, I should go get her now so she can just come home), followed by justifications (it's only Monday, if I don't go today, I can always go Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to still get my 3 workouts in this week). Eventually, I talked myself out of going, picked up my daughter and went home. By this time, I was hungry and so I ate my leftover snack from this morning.

Since I had decided not to go to the gym, I started prepping dinner and slowly the guilt of not going to the workout kicked in - "really Shan? You couldn't commit to 30 minutes for yourself today?". That would be what is referred to as my inner 'skinny bitch' I believe! I was supposed to go get my husband from work, and knew that I wouldn't have time to pick him up AND go to the gym. So, because I'm cool like that, I nonchalantly texted him, hinting that I was going to go to Burnaby Hit earlier, but didn't and really wished I had. Because my husband has really fabulous moments (and knows me better than I know myself sometimes), he suggested that I go and get my workout in and that he would suck it up and bus home...and then nicely hinted back that it would be wonderful if he could get picked up at the skytrain station by our house.

So, with no excuse, I went to Burnaby Hit and got my 30 minutes of intense and satisfying exercise in. I know I've said this before, but joining this gym was one of the best decisions I've made for myself in a VERY long time. There is something SO therapeutic about hitting and kicking  the punching bags, and beating up Bob at the end. I always leave there sweaty, red and feeling amazing. Which is good because

Today the trainer pointed out to me that she's noticed improvement in my strength, speed and posture/technique which boosted my motivation and confidence even more. After all, how great does it feel when someone else notices your good work?

In a fantastic mood, I went home and had a protein bar before going to pick up my hubby.

After we got home, I finished making dinner. Chicken, greek potatoes and chickpea salad. I of course only had the latter two. The good news is that I ate on a salad size plate. The bad news is I squeezed as many potatoes as I could on my little plate because these potatoes are by far the most amazing potatoes I've ever tasted. In my defense, the other side of my plate was filled with chickpea salad, which is a really good thing right? So I think I will refer to my dinner as balanced. ;-)

The best thing about this chickpea salad is that it still tastes great the next day and makes an awesome lunch. So I think that's what I'll bring tomorrow. Tonight, I've decided to skip the wine and snacking in front of the television, which is why I wrote my blog earlier. Now, if I decide to munch out, I have to re-edit my post and you all will know! I'm telling you, this whole public shaming/celebrating thing is really the way to go. Seriously. This helps a lot. So thank you!!

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