Thursday, July 26, 2012

I had some good intentions...

This morning I woke up and told myself "you ARE NOT having toast for breakfast"! The problem was, I hadn't gone out the night before to get something different. So I got myself ready for work, said bye to my family and headed to Starbucks (I mean Safeway) to buy myself some breakfast food! Seeing that it was my 'Starbucks on' day, I had my soy chai latte while I grocery shopped.

I went back to the exact same spot I stood in yesterday morning and began the great cereal/granola and yogurt debate. I had already decided I would go with yogurt instead of milk because I can't stand milk...and I only seem to like soy milk when it's in a latte. I figured I would try vanilla yogurt today and, in case I didn't like it, I just bought a mini one to start. Plus, I was planning on going from here directly to work and didn't want to buy a big yogurt and have it go bad! I then contemplated cereal versus granola. I was eying up the Kashi, and was considering the Kashi Lean stuff my bestie was talking about. Unfortunately, at Safeway this morning, they only had the Kashi Lean in the jumbo box for $12 and since I wasn't even sure I was going to like it, I didn't want to spend that much. However, the regular sized boxes of Kashi Honey Almond Flax cereal were on sale for $5 so I opted for that. I mixed it together when I got to work and voila!

Ok, to be honest, I really liked the cereal part, not so much the vanilla yogurt. I'm really not that excited about yogurt generally, but I think I'll try raspberry flavoured and maybe I'll like it better. Or maybe, I'll reduce the amount of yogurt so there's just a little bit in it. I'm also considering buying oatmeal and berries for next week's occasional breakfast. We'll see. I'm still eating toast once and while though okay?! I'll try to commit to having fruit with it!

I was having a quieter day at work today so I decided to take a seawall stroll on my lunch hour. The weather was beautiful and the mid afternoon walk was definitely nice. I 'mapped it' when I got home and it turns out I walked almost 3.5 km along the seawall! Nice! On the way back to my office, I stopped and picked up lunch. I almost packed my leftover pizza from yesterday, but thought I'd 'forget it' at home and look for something else. I went to Nu Greek, which is up the street from my work and bought myself a chickpea-mint salad. It's lemony yummy deliciousness!! And it's only $3! And it has protein! What I'm most proud of is that I resisted the pita bread with satsiki dip that I usually buy too.

I got busy in the afternoon and next thing you know it was almost dinner time (I work late on Thursdays - til' 7-8pm) and I was hungry. Next up, my veggie and dip snack I packed this am. I know, I know, veggies without dip is better, but I used less than half the dip, I swear!

I taught my class, my hubby and chicklet picked me up and we drove home. Luckily, I had one more snack in my bag - the grape and almond combo! I'm seriously loving this snack, I have no idea why I never ate this before? Sweet and crunchy! Needless to say, my daughter and I polished these off on the ride home.

So here's where it goes from pretty darn good, to pretty darn bad. My family was eating a late/easy quickie dinner of chicken fingers (homemade) and poutine. And there it is. My weakness. French fries. Okay, so maybe I have a few weaknesses (chai lattes, salt and vinegar chips, jalapeno Doritos, french fries, wine and passion flakies). But this is definitely one of the top five. I knew this was coming and had planned all day to just make it for my family and have a salad for myself. YEAH RIGHT. That didn't work so well. So I negotiated with myself and had a salad size plate instead of a dinner plate. I don't know who exactly was the winner in THAT negotiation, but it tasted good? Unfortunately it almost makes me sick looking at it!! Sigh.

And finally, I reminded myself that it was not a  totally bad day - that I did get in some exercise, fruit and veggies, some protein and a better breakfast. Plus, first thing tomorrow, I'm going to Burnaby Hit to burn some calories! Some might call that justifying my actions. I call it me being awesome (see below). So I celebrated ;-)

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