Sunday, July 22, 2012

My measurements...gasp!!

I received some messages suggesting I do a before/after image/weight etc. I've decided on inches. I'm definitely not putting up a before picture until I have an awesome after picture to go beside it haha! In terms of weight, I'll let you all in on a little secret. I threw my scale out about 2 years ago! All the weight conscious people's jaws probably just dropped right? Why you may ask, did I throw out the scale? Because it was ruining my life. No seriously, it kind of was. Let me explain what a typical day looked like for me when I had my scale.
Wake up, check my weight. Go pee, check my weight. Shower, check my weight. Dry off and get dressed, check my weight. Eat, check my weight. Go to work. Come home, check my weight. Eat dinner, check my weight. Get undressed, check my weight. Go to bed. Repeat. I was obsessed!! Because I was literally driving myself crazy with weight checking OCD, in a moment of strength I threw out my scale and decided I would use the "do my clothes fit tight or loose" method of watching my weight. Honestly, it's a pretty good indicator of when you've gained or lost! I found a great article about this on the 30 minute hit blog if your interested.

Anyway, to the details. Here's what I was at when I started. Don't laugh.

Hips: 40 (barf)
Waist: 28 (I can deal with this)
Thigh: 23 (Ok now I'm really going to barf)
Bicep: 11 (Insert eye roll here)

So basically? Bottom heavy. I'm a pear. Sigh. Ok, now I know some people may look at these numbers and think that it would be fine or good to have some of them. I don't deny that. However, others might think along the lines of me! Keep in mind my frame - 5'1.5 with quite small bone structure. Pre-baby and most of my 20's I weighed between 110-120 max. I'm fairly certain I'm somewhere in the 130 range, but it's a guess. So anyway...there's work to be done! And the good news? I've already lost an inch or two...but I'm not telling yet, wait and see/read!! Maybe I'll do this once a month?


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