Sunday, July 22, 2012

On to other business

Now that I've posted my numbers for the world to see...I'm going to try to FORGET that I just did that and break down my day. As a preview...I think it went pretty darn good! Also, my daughter suggested I attach links for some of the different recipes I use with the photos, a GREAT idea in my opinion, so there's some links to check out if it looks good to you!

So I woke up early this morning and so did my husband who suggested we go for a walk. I first quickly put something in my stomach - my quickie breakfast of multigrain toast (yes. with butter. again).

On the way, he decided he wanted to get a starbucks. And there was my first dilemma of the is my "starbucks off day". I figured out real quick that taking me into a starbucks is like taking a drinker to the bar. I had to have one. So I caved and justified it with "I'll make tomorrow my off day". I wasn't too upset about it, because I think I'll be able to have an off day tomorrow. I'll just make a point of not going into a starbucks!I can walk by, just can't enter. I'll let you know how it goes.'s the evil culprit.

I must say I got a really nice walk in, soy chai latte and all. It was about 3.9 kms with LOTS of uphill. When we got home it was lunch time. My family wanted homemade egg muffins so I made those first while I contemplated my own lunch...I don't like eggs. My hubby and daughter say that my homemade egg muffins are way better than the McDonald's ones and they ate them all up quickly. Makes me happy, 'cause I'm sure mine are also healthier than the McD's ones too. While I was trying to figure my lunch situation out, I made the protein bars I mentioned in yesterday's blog...but more about that later. In terms of lunch, I really didn't want salad again, so I decided to use up some leftovers in my fridge and had a salad size plate of last night's Pineapple fried rice.

After I ate my lunch on the couch, I walked past my daughter's room on the way to the kitchen and saw that someone had obviously set off a bomb in her room, 'cause there's really no other possible reason for the way it looked. For those of you that know my chicklet, she is a book hoarder. She LOVES to read, in addition to dancing (tap and jazz) and the obvious preteen girl hobbies of fashion, music and boy bands, which in many ways is fantastic. However, her love of books means getting her to clean out her bookshelf every once and awhile is similar to pulling teeth. Seriously, the girl has hundreds of books  and magazines leaking out of her bookshelf and all over the floor! So it was time to clean, and rather than fight about it, we cleaned the shelf out together. I'm proud to say my chicklet is parting with and donating a pile of books! Good girl :-)

While we did this we had a little snack. Because I'm OCD like that, I counted out 10 almonds and 10 grapes each.

After the chore was done, I was feeling positive and decided I was going to go for a run. One of my goals is to run a 5km race again (haven't done that since high school). I used to distance run in elementary and part of high school and it's something I'd really like to get back into. There's a super fun-looking run coming up called Colour me Rad and it just so happens Burnaby Hit is entering a team. Maybe...  

Anyway, I left the house and went for a run. I pushed myself really hard (could hear Sarah and Zunobia in my head saying don't give up, breath through it, push yourself, you're almost there)...and ran 4.86 kms!! It took me 30 minutes!! I was stoked. I remembered the advise I received the other day from Teri and decided to feed my body some protein after my run, and tried out the protein bars.

My verdict? DELICIOUS! I'm actually kind of skeptical that these could possibly be good for you...they taste way to good to be healthy! For add-ins I put sliced almonds, dried cranberries, unsweetened shredded coconut, flax seeds and sunflower seeds. Seriously yummy. My hubby and daughter even had some. My only concern with them? I'm not sure I did it right! Mine were almost like the consistency of fudge, rather than a bar...not sure if I did something wrong, but if so - I'm okay with that, they're good! The only problem is trying to limit myself to one per day...that will be hard!

Next up, dinner time. I decided on soup for me and soup and sandwiches for my husband and daughter. They chose the sandwiches: chicken salad on croissants, and I chose the soup: homemade minestrone soup. This is my favourite minestrone soup ever. The only things I do differently is that I use all vegetable stock instead of part stock/part water and I also add in 1/2 cup red wine or some balsamic vinegar during the last 20 minutes of cooking. We also top with a little bit of shredded Parmesan cheese, though you can eat it without for sure.

I had two pieces of a baguette also, with a little bit of butter (very little I swear) because I have this thing with soup and baguettes. Plus I wasn't having a sandwich, just soup! After dinner was relaxation time, big brother (yes I watch that show), and a glass of wine. For the record, it was 6oz, I measured.

I thought this Lolita glass would be fitting. It says "Inside me is a skinny woman trying to get out but I keep her quiet with a glass of wine..." Fits my sense of humour perfectly!!

Finally, the one last thing I'd like to say is that I'm proud of today. I think my eating was pretty good for the most part. I went for a halfway uphill/halfway downhill walk with my hubby, ran almost 5 km in 30 minutes, and drank way over my water goal. My energy was up, I cleaned my house with my husband (he did all the dishes which I HATE doing), helped my chicklet clean her room/organize her bookshelf, and made my protein bars and a delicious dinner. All in all a great day!

Bedtime now!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome Shannon!! You are doing fantastic. I have tons of good vegan / veg recipes if you want to mix it up and I also wrote out snacks for protein and energy that are about 100 cals each. I would be down with running with you anytime! Seriously - I need a running partner and my times are the same...
