Sunday, July 29, 2012

Finished with fireworks!

So tonight I actually did do something fun! Fireworks with the family! But before I get to that, I'll break down my day.

This morning I started off with the Kashi honey almond flax cereal with raspberry yogurt. I only added about 2 tbs yogurt and that did it for me. It was yummy!

I ate my yogurt/cereal mix while I caught up on my blog this morning...and my chicklet had some too. Healthy breakfasts all around! Shortly after, I got myself ready and went to Burnaby Hit to get my third time in this week. Zunobia was there this morning and I had another great workout with lots of external motivation!  Afterwards, I felt great (exhausted, but great) and I started thinking about how today was my 'Starbucks on' day. I thought about stopping on my way home to get my, in my opinion, much deserved soy chai latte. But then I thought about how I'm supposed to feed my body some protein after working out, so I held off, went home and ate my protein bar...that I still can't believe is healthy because it tastes too good!

Next up was waking up my husband and making, I mean asking, him to walk with me to Starbucks to get my now REALLY much deserved latte. So we went together and he got one too. Except it wasn't a chai and had no soy haha! His drink is a cinnamon dolce latte with a shot of caramel. Mmmmm....Starbucks.

We made our way home and watched some of the Olympics with our chicklet. We all started getting hungry for lunch so the family had some Kraft dinner (yuck) and I had a salad in a pita again. Seriously, this is good. I could eat this lots. 

After lunch it was time to battle with my daughter over cleaning her room. Girlfriend has SO MUCH crap in her room! We tackled the bookshelf last week and there was more organizing to do this week especially since she was having a friend over for a sleepover. So we fought/cleaned her room together! Actually, it wasn't too bad, and I have to give her credit for getting rid of some stuff. I also need to remember that tween girls like their 'stuff' so I gotta ease up a bit on this battle. I have to pace myself...we'll have lots of battles to come I'm sure!

Anyway, after helping get her room organized, it was time to make dinner. I felt like cooking with a glass of wine I did.

Tonight's menu consisted of baked salmon for my family and I had the asparagus and mushroom risotto that they had on the side. By the way...risotto is super time consuming and NOT a good idea when you have multiple things on the go. Luckily, I have an amazing sous-chef/hubby who likes to help me cook. And thanks to his helping hand, it turned out fantastic.

The little brown things on the asparagus are garlic. I sauteed the asparagus in a little bit of olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper. Maybe not cooked as healthy as it could've been, but it's our family's favourite way to eat asparagus. You'll also notice dinner for me was on a salad size plate again. This was seriously one of the best pieces of advice I've recieved this month and it's really helped me to watch my portions. Thanks Teri!!

 After dinner, it was time to pick up our chicklet's friend for a sleepover and a trip downtown for the fireworks competition. When we stopped in the girl's house, her mom, who is a friend of mine offered me a chat and a glass of wine. Who could say no to that?

Don't worry. I didn't drive. My hubby did. Sous-chef and DD. I love him! After this was finished we all went downtown and watched Vietnam put on an awesome fireworks show. I wish I had thought about taking a picture of the fireworks to put up here. Anyway, on the way there we did a store run for snacks. The girls got chips and pop and I got water. I must say I was pretty proud of resisting munching out on junk food. It's much easier now that I've learned to eat when I'm hungry and not just out of habit!

So, on that note, I'm now getting kicked out of the living room for the girlies to watch a movie and camp out. So...that's it for today! :-)

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