Friday, August 31, 2012

My daughter's home!!

I woke up on time this morning and needed to make sure I started my day off better than yesterday. So I had some Kashi cereal with raspberry yogurt this am. 

I'm officially out of cereal now though, so I'm going to have to get creative tomorrow morning! I threw some snacks and leftover soup in my bag and took off for work. I absolutely could not wait to get today over and done with 'cause tonight my baby was coming home!!

On my way to work - a Starbucks soy chai latte. It's Thursday!

Work went by so fast today. Partially because I was so focused on tonight. Partially because I've been so jam packed with interviews lately that they days fly by! I had no opportunity to have a morning snack because I was so busy and next thing I knew it was lunch time. And on that note, I heated up some leftover minestrone soup.

You should make this soup. It's so yummy!

Another interview and some other menial tasks and my work day was over. But before I could get out the door, my mom called to let me know that my daughter was on the plane, on her way home. Unfortunately she gave me a small heart attack first. Why? Because she was crying so hard when she called me I thought something horrible had happened!! Being my sympathetic self, I told my mom that if she was going to have a breakdown when I sent my daughter there, I'd have to reconsider furture trips. And because she knows my sense of humour, she stopped crying and laughed instead. This was all a part of my plan ;-)

Today I was so busy, distracted and excited to see my daughter that I didn't even think about food. This also meant I didn't eat any of my snacks that I packed. Instead, I got off work and sped to my husband's work, anxious to get to the airport. However, in all my enthusiasm I didn't realize it would only take me about 15 minutes to get to my husband's work, which also meant that I arrived there about half an hour early. So, I sat in the car, talked to my mom again, played on my phone (what did we do without technology?) and waited...rather impatiently.

After what seemed like hours, but was really only about 25 minutes, my hubby arrived in the car. And with him...a sign.

My husband loves to embarrass our daughter. Cute huh?

When we got to the airport, we were both HUNGRY. I knew that my daughter ate before getting on the plane and so probably wouldn't want dinner, so my hubby and I opted for airport food. I chose food from Jugo Juice. I thought that compared to some of  the other options (A&W, Burger King, Flying Wedge etc) it would be a 'healthyish' option.

I had a paradise C smoothie and a veggie snack wrap. It wasn't a lot of food, but it did it's job and filled me up. Either that or I was just too excited to eat!!

After forcing some food down, my hubby and I went to the gate where she would be arriving and waited. And waited. And waited. It freakin' took forever for her to get through customs! But suddenly we looked up and around the corner she came...walking next to the flight attendant supervising her and with a great big smile! At this point my husband started wildly waving the sign around, jumping up and down and yelling "over's dad!" at the top of his lungs. He's a loud man. And my daughter's face turned bright red, but she couldn't help but laugh and smile more. Then the flight attendant asked her if she knew these people. Apparently he's a funny guy too!

After numerous squeezes and a zillion I love you, I missed yous, we finally headed to the car. Nineteen dollars later (parking at the airport is freakin' expensive) we made our way home. Upon arriving home, I was hungry again, so I had a protein bar to kill the chocolate craving.

My daughter then put on a fashion show for us with all her cool shopping finds. It's pretty unfair that my 11 year old daughter has Vera Wang shoes and I don't. We cuddled on the couch (I'm so happy she's home!!), watched some TV and then it was bed time. Speaking of which...that's really where I should be! So goodnight for now...I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with some better thought out food choices!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lack of planning, being busy and feeling sad = this!

So here I am working on a late post again. I'll do my best to remember yesterday! The good news is that I didn't cave the night before and give into the Ms Vickie's chips that were sitting in front of me. The bad news is I slept in a bit in the morning and didn't have time to make breakfast. So, I rushed off to work and stopped in at Tim Horton's on my way to a meeting to grab a bagel.

Multigrain bagel, toasted, with the cream cheese on the side. I like to put it on myself 'cause they cake it on and it's kind of gross like that (in my opinion). More good news is that I managed to go into a coffee shop without leaving with a beverage. Typically Tim Horton's = hot chocolate for me. But I passed, ordered just the bagel and drank my water instead.

My meeting took FOREVER and by the time it was done, it was lunch time. Because I had slept in, I hadn't had a chance to pack a lunch. There's about a zillion restaurants to choose from in downtown Vancouver. My criteria was it needed to be cheap (didn't want to spend a ton of money), needed to be fast (didn't have a lot of time), needed to have takeout (didn't want to eat there) and needed to be semi-healthy (didn't want to ruin my diet)! I opted for Nu Greek and bought a chickpea salad.

Three dollars later and I had my lunch. It's a really good thing I like chickpeas though. Why? Because the guy that made my salad forgot to put the minty salad dressing on! That sucked, but I didn't notice until I got to my office and there was no way I was walking all the way back there to demand salad dressing. So - I ate it plain. Sigh.

A few more meetings in the afternoon and my work day was over. I rushed home, grabbed my workout bag and went to Burnaby Hit. Today Lisa was in and she made us work our butts off in the circuit. Somehow I made it through the circuit despite my limited food intake...though I did feel like crawling to my car afterward. I then raced to pick up my hubby in Richmond, let him drive us home and immediately ran to the fridge to get a protein bar. My body was starving!

Once I got that out of the way it was time to start thinking about dinner. Somehow I had nothing planned - so I did the obvious thing...drank a glass of wine while I figured it out.

In the end, nothing was jumping out at me. So, I settled on defrosting some minestrone soup from the freezer. That did the job!

After dinner, my plan was to go downtown for one last stroll (and maybe some ice cream) with my husband before our daughter came home. But, the weather still didn't want to cooperate with me (see yesterday's post) so we ended up staying home.

While we lounged around the house, I had a chance to text a bit with my bestie in Thunder Bay who just had her baby. As happy as I am for her, the conversation made me sad. I really want to be there with/for her...she was with me every step of the way through my pregnancy and was even in the delivery room with me 11 and a bit years ago!! But sadly, the timing just isn't right so I can't. Anyone that knows me well also knows that I'm NOT a crier. But I might've shed a tear or two last night :-(

And since the Ms Vickie's chips were still sitting in front of me, I might've coped with my tear or two with a chip or two...against my better judgment.

I'm trying really hard to break my bad eating habits. One of those bad eating habits is emotional eating. You know - eating when I'm bored. Eating when I'm sad. Eating when I'm angry. Eating when I experience any unpleasant emotion despite not being hungry! Tonight wasn't exactly a success in that regard. However, since I like to keep positive these days, I will point out that I didn't eat a bag of chips when I felt sad (the old Shannon would've for sure, probably followed by a chocolate bar and a second glass of wine). I ate a HANDFUL of chips when I felt sad, and I stuck to only eating that handful. So I'm going to focus on that okay?

And that was the end of my eating day. I went to bed with mixed feelings. Happy for my bestie, sad I couldn't be there and excited beyond belief that my daughter was coming home the next day!! Geez emotions are exhausting! Thank goodness for my comfy bed...and a fresh start tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today...short, sweet and on time!

I was determined to have a good start this morning, so after I showered I made myself some Kashi cereal with yogurt. 

After I ate, it was time to get dressed and get myself to work. My husband had to leave earlier so I was bussing it today. As I was putting on my pants, I noticed that the button came off when I washed them. Great. This meant I had to sew my button back on...and anyone that knows me well also knows that I DON'T SEW. Unfortunately I had no choice this morning because my broken pants = my only clean pair of pants. Fantastic. With much effort and a few under the breath swears I managed to get the button back on. I'm not sure it's going to stay on and I'm also not sure I put it on the exactly right place, but it did the job and my pants managed to stay on today. Phew.

After all this hard work, I went to Starbucks and got my Tuesday soy chai latte.

Next Thankfully all the hard work of the past few days paid off and I was much less busy today. I took care of things that had been overlooked while I wrote my report...and this brought me to lunch time. I was excited for lunch....leftover veggie korma!! Yummy.....

I almost ate all of it. Almost, but not quite. This is probably a good thing because I'm pretty sure my portion size was way off. The rest of my afternoon was pretty quiet so I won't bore you with the details. Plus it's all kind of one boring blur. What I do know is that I ate some snacks throughout the afternoon. First up, a couple of raspberries and grapes.

I have this thing with symmetry. A quirk if you will. There were six raspberries left in the container, which to me meant that I had to add exactly six grapes if I was going to eat any grapes. Don't ask.

After my snack, I prepped for my evening program and headed over to my second office. When I got there I decided I should eat again. You that I could make it through my program. This time I had trail mix (almonds, goji berries, cranberries and cocoa nibs).

The snack did it's job and I was able to stay awake and alert for my program which is perfect since I'm the one running it. However, after work I was t-i-r-e-d. And hungry. And the last thing I felt like doing was planning a  meal, grocery shopping for what I needed and then going home to cook it. So my husband suggested pizza by the slice on the way home. I wasn't thrilled but didn't offer any alternatives so pizza it was. I bought two slices - a pesto slice and a veggie slice.

On the ride home I got to chat with my daugther. I haven't said it on here for awhile but I really miss her! Two more sleeps then she's home! I asked her what I should make for dinner when she gets here. Obviously she said homemade mac 'n cheese - her favourite! Pictures and recipe to follow on Thursday or Friday!

When we got home I ate the pesto slice of pizza. Meh. I then took a bite of the veggie slice and just couldn't do it. I threw it out. But I was still hungry and kind of craving chocolate so I had a protein bar. Probably not the best dinner I've had.

But also not the worst! The plan was to go for a run before eating the protein bar, but mother nature was plotting against me again and made it rain. Getting wet was not appealing so I opted out. Probably I should invest in some waterproof running gear...'cause we all know it rains in Vancouver! If I'm going to keep up my running, I'm going to need to make it easier on myself by preventing possible excuses in advance!

And this is where the blog stops for today. It's 9:30 and I'm not going to bed yet. I'm going to watch TV and relax. I'm going to try not to eat the bag of Ms Vickie's salt and vinegar chips that's sitting in front of me. I promise that I'll let you all know tomorrow if I cave! But for now...fingers crossed!!

Trying to get back on track

As much as I loved this past weekend, the last weekend of just me and hubby time, I know my eating got a bit off track. Knowing this (and also feeling it in my body) made me determined to do what I could to clean up my eating again!

This morning I wanted something different, so decided to make my husband and I breakfast smoothies to go. My breakfast smoothie was based on this blueberry banana smoothie recipe.

My smoothie had 1 cup of frozen mixed berries instead of blueberries, a single portion sized cup of blueberry flavoured greek style yogurt instead of 6oz plain nonfat yogurt, 3/4 cup regular milk instead of almond milk (I wasn't sure about this...I try not to drink milk ever) and I added a squirt of honey to the mix. The verdict? A yummy smoothie that both my husband and I enjoyed! I see many breakfast smoothies in my future. I think this is something that could be fun to play around with in terms of ingredients and flavours!

Because I worked a bit on Friday I was able to go into work a little late this morning. Since I was still feeling happy from this weekend, I decided to be a nice wife and drive my husband to work. By the time I arrived in my office, my stomach told me I needed to eat and so I had some raspberries.

I REALLY love raspberries. I continued working on my report that never seemed to end...and next thing you know it was lunch time. Today's lunch was leftover salad (butter lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, red onion, avocado, sunflower seeds and shredded marble cheese) topped with a tbs of Italian dressing.

Along with my salad, I had some leftover rice.

For the record, the container of rice looks huge in this picture. In reality it is roughly half of the size of the salad container (which is about the size of one sandwich).

After my lunch, I was distracted from my report by some fantastic BFF had her baby today!! I really wish I could go to Thunder Bay to see her and her mini-me...but sadly I just can't do it right now. Congrats on your addition my bestie...I'll get there soon to visit you and your son as soon as I can okay??!!

Later on in the afternoon, I took a break from wanting to pull my hair out (report writing is so tiring sometimes...and always the least favourite part of my job) and had a snack. The Mary's Organic Rice Crackers perfectly satisfied my craving for something crunchy. The hummous was just an added bonus!

After my snack I was able to distract my focus away from food and the good news about my bestie, and towards my report that was due TODAY!! Somehow, my brain kicked into high gear and I got that report done! Man it felt good to have that task out of the way. Despite being at work later than I had planned, I left the office in good spirits. I got my butt home as fast as I could without breaking the speeding laws (by much), grabbed my workout gear and headed to Burnaby Hit. Before I ran out the door, I grabbed my second of the day 20oz container of water. Yep...still working on that water consumption goal!

Today at Hit it was busier than it has been lately. I was okay with that though because the enthusiasm in that gym was so contagious! I was motivated for a great workout and with Sarah's encouragement I was able to achieve just that. She pushed me right to the end and I left the gym happy, red, sweaty and exhausted. Perfect!

I picked up my husband from work, made a few pit stops (including at the grocery store) and headed home for dinner. But before cooking, I had a protein bar. It wasn't consumed in the recommended 30 minute post workout window, but hey...I ate it eventually!

After I ate my post workout snack, I started chopping in preparation for dinner. The plan for tonight was one of my most favourite types of food...Indian!! The dish? Veggie Korma. This my friends, in my opinion, is to die for. I LOVE Indian food. And while I chopped the veggies for dinner, I had a glass of wine.

Just one. I'm not quite ready for a night like last Friday just yet.

When I make this Veggie Korma recipe, I make the following adjustments. I omit the ground cashews...mostly because I always forget to buy ground cashews and I'm too lazy to grind them myself. I also substitute 1 cup coconut milk for the 1 cup heavy cream. Rather than using 1.5 tbs curry powder, I use the following spice mix: 3.5tsp curry powder, 2.5tsp ground cumin, 1 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1/4tsp cinnamon, 1/4tsp cayenne, 1/8tsp ground nutmeg and a dash of ground cloves.  In terms of cooking directions, I saute the onions until tender, then add in the garlic, ginger and spices and cook 1 minute before adding the salt and veggies. I then cook it for 10 minutes, add in the frozen peas, chopped peppers and coconut milk before reducing the heat to low, covering and simmering more like 30-40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

When it's looks like this (served on jasmine rice):

I cannot emphasize how much I enjoy this dish. Even my husband, who insisted he would never eat Indian food because he doesn't like curry, eats this dish. I somehow restrained myself and ate only a salad sized plateful. It goes without saying that this will be my lunch tomorrow too.

So that was my eating day. I made better food choices (for the most part), drank lots of water, received fantastic news and found time to fit in my 30 Minute Hit workout. Here's hoping I can keep the momentum up tomorrow! PS - The countdown to my daughter's return is on! Three more sleeps til' I get to squeeze my chicklet!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

A little bit of food goes a long way...

Yesterday was a nice day for many reasons. Mostly because I got to sleep in. My husband and I didn't crawl out of bed until close to 11am. I seriously cannot remember the last time that happened! Shortly after waking up, we decided to go for a walk to get some things to make breakast/brunch. First, we walked around our neighbourhood enjoying the sunshine, meaning we took the long way to the grocery store. When we eventually got to Safeway, we settled on french toast (and for him...bacon). I grabbed some raspberries too 'cause they were on sale and happen to be my favourite fruit!

When we got home I got started on the french toast while my hubby took our car to be washed. I used this recipe as a guideline...and I'm glad I did because it tasted amazing!

And even though I don't have a picture of it...I also cooked my husband's bacon to perfection which is rare for me because normally when I cook bacon, it ends up how I used to like it 15 years ago - crispy...which is the exact opposite of how my hubby likes it!

By the time we ate our 'breakfast' it was almost 2pm. Today was definitely turning into a lazy day. Mostly we hung around the house, watched TV, played on the computer, napped and cleaned the house! Maybe not the most glamorous day but somehow I still enjoyed it. Eventually I got around to thinking about dinner. On the menu tonight? Ribs for my husband and side dishes of marinated grill wok veggies, rice and salad for me. I was ready to master ribs on the BBQ.

I set my BBQ for low heat and went inside to 'supervise' my husband while he put a dry rub on the ribs. While he worked on the ribs, I prepped a marinade for the veggies. Grill wok veggies have the most amazing smoky flavour...made even better by the following marinade: 4 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil, 2tsp dried oregano, 2tbs red wine vinegar, 1 tsp salt, 1/2tsp black pepper and 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil. I put the marinade on chopped yellow and orange peppers, zucchini, mushrooms and red onions. While the veggies marinated, I went outside to put the ribs on the BBQ....and found out the BBQ had ran out of gas. Perfect. Sigh.

Neither of us felt like going to get more gas and reconnecting the BBQ so we resorted to plan B. Oven ribs finished under the broiler with roasted veggies. The rice and salad didn't need the BBQ anyway! I put the dry rubbed ribs on a cookie sheet lined with foil and added an inch or so of water and a few slices of lemon. I let the ribs cook for about an hour and added the marinated veggies on a cookie sheet for the last 40 minutes. While the ribs and veggies roasted, I sauteed some garlic, peppers and mushrooms to add to the long grain rice. Then I chopped the salad veggies. After an hour I took the ribs and veggies out of the oven, added BBQ sauce to the ribs and broiled them for 3 minutes per side, basting them in more BBQ sauce in between. The results of yesterdays dinner? Fabulous!!

I loved the oven roasted veggies even though they didn't end up with the smoky BBQ wok flavour. This marinade makes veggies good no matter how you cook them! My husband absolutely loved the ribs too....and here's a pic of how they turned out.

You might have noticed that my husband has a glass of wine with his dinner. Like I could let him drink alone!! So I had a glass too ;-)

And that was it for my eating yesterday. It was a late starting and overall chill day. We ate breakfast/brunch late and we also ate dinner late. Afterwards we watched a bit of TV, I made a batch of protein bars for tomorrow and then we landed our butts in bed. Monday was up next and I figured that going to work after such a great weekend was going to be hard enough...there was no point in making it worse by not getting enough sleep. Plus, I needed to save my energy for Burnaby Hit...which was on my list of things to do tomorrow!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A rough start to the best day ever!!

Any guesses as to how I felt this morning? Ugghhh....not pretty. Luckily, there was no throwing up this morning. My hubby woke me up at 7am, took one look at me and said "you get one more hour". This was good because the ability to open my eyes wasn't something I could master just yet. He handed me some water and Tylenol and back to sleep I went. An hour later, the alarm went off again. This time I really tried. Hard. I got up, crawled out of bed (literally), threw on some clothes and decided fresh air would be good for me. I brushed my hair and teeth and stumbled out the door. It's a good thing that the neighbours weren't around because I'm sure the sight of me was frightening. I more or less walked hunched over around the block. My head was spinning. I somehow made it home and decided that what I really needed was food in my stomach. Sadly, I had no bread for toast, so I tried the yogurt-cereal thing.

I think I ate maybe three bites. This was not going well. I crawled back into bed and my hubby gave me another half hour. Around 9am, he had exhausted his patience and he woke me back up. He packed our bags for Whistler and I worked on making myself look semi-presentable. I'm pretty sure I put make up on with one eye shut while sitting on the floor in front of a mirror. Good times. I put on my shoes, took some more Tylenol, grabbed a pillow, a bottle of water, and a bag of soda crackers and got in the car. This was feeling like it was going to be a LONG day. But we were going to Whistler dammit!!

We managed to get out of the house and on the highway around 10ish. I started eating crackers in between shutting my eyes, hoping that I would stop feeling nauseated and dizzy. And then it happened. About a half hour into our 2 hour drive, traffic on the highway came to a complete stop.

From what I understand there was a head on collision on the highway. The road was backed up big time. After about 30 minutes of not moving, everyone started getting out of their cars. Families played badminton and bocce ball along the side of the highway. I lied in my car and continued eating soda crackers. About an hour later I started feeling better so I got out of the car and sat with my hubby in the sun on the curb. The crackers worked!

All in all we were there for about 2.5 hours. This bag of crackers was full when I started eating them, but I was too dizzy to take a pic. This is the pic of when I stopped. As horrible as it was to hear of the accident, it kind of saved my day. When we eventually started moving again I was feeling well enough to not have to travel with my eyes shut. I still wasn't feeling fantastic, but generally speaking I was back in action. We stopped in Squamish and I had a Starbucks soy chai latte.

My husband wanted McDonald's so we stopped there too. I looked around to see if there was something I could eat, but my tummy wasn't quite ready for heavy food yet. So I skipped lunch and hoped the chai latte would do. My husband felt bad for me so he gave me the rest of his fries. I thought this was a fantastic idea because when I was a bit younger, McDonald's fries always seemed to cure my hangovers.

This is what it looked like when he gave them to me. I ate maybe half of what was there. It worked - kind of.

About 45 minutes later and we arrived in Whistler. Yay!! It was hot there so I changed in the car and away we went. The plan was to do the peak to peak gondola, hike around the top of Whistler and have a BBQ dinner on a patio at the top of the mountain. First up - peak to peak!

This was so cool! When we were riding across the gondola between Whistler and Blackcomb mountains we saw a marmot! Cool! We explored a bit of the top of Blackcomb and then took the gondola back to Whistler mountain. Next stop was taking a chair lift up to the summit of Whistler. It was absolutely amazing up there. It felt like we were on the top of the world!!

After exploring around the summit, we were starving and decided to go take advantage of the BBQ on the patio. For the record...this is where we ate:

By this time I was starving so I filled my plate!

It was good and I ate most of it. I also had a glass of sprite with dinner. No wine with dinner for me!

We then went back inside, where I exerted much self control. We walked through the dessert buffet and I settled for a slice of watermelon and a piece of carrot cake. All the hiking and fresh mountain air made me hungry...what can I say?

After dinner, we hiked around a bit more but the sun was starting to set and I had no desire to get lost in mountains in the dark. So, we took the lift back down to Whistler village. We wandered around the village a bit, taking it all in. I really love it here! We parked our butts on a bench and called our daughter to see how her day went. Sounded like it went pretty good...she went fishing and caught 7 fish! After saying good night to our daughter, we walked around a bit more, then went to the car and headed home. I enjoyed this ride much better than the ride up 'cause by this time I was feeling fantastic!!

We got home around 10pm and decided to finish off the night with a movie. My hubby and I opted for a comedy and watched Ted. Totally inappropriate but SO funny! After watching my husband munch out on chips, I eventually gave in and had a napkin full.

When the movie was done, we were both completely wiped out. It was a long but fabulous day. And the best thing about it was that my hubby still loves me despite the fact that my hangover almost ruined our date. And here's the evidence that proves it!

The gong show that was Friday...

What a weekend! Lots of fun, but in terms of eating well it was a bit of a write off. Looks like Sunday's post will need to be named back on track day. But for now...I'll start with summing up my Friday.

It was my day off, but somehow I had just as much planned for the day as if I had been working! I got up and drove my husband to work. Because I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth and hair and threw on clothes before dragging my butt out the door I didn't eat anything. This would've been fine and I would've just ate as soon as I got home, but because it was getting late and all of my gym stuff was in the car, I decided to go straight to Burnaby Hit on my way home. Great workout, got my 3 times per week goal wrapped up, but felt like I was going to die throughout my workout due to the lack of fuel my body had to burn. One day I will learn this lesson. One day...

By the time I made it home, my body was screaming for food. My fridge was looking pretty bare (this happens easily when I don't have to worry about feeding my daughter) so I settled on some grapes and almonds while I figured out what else to eat. 10 grapes, 20 almonds.

After I ate my 'snack' I realized that it was close enough to lunch to not bother with breakfast. Because I still had slim pickings in my fridge, I opted for bowl of broccoli-cheddar soup leftovers. Still yummy!

And about an hour after I ate that, I had my belated breakfast. Source raspberry yogurt with Kashi honey almond flax cereal.

See...this is how I should've started my day! In the afternoon, I worked from home even  though it was my day off. I have a report due Monday. That report was no where near done because my work week has been so busy. So I decided to save myself the headache Monday and get some of it done. When I got sick of working, I cleaned up my house a bit. Exciting huh?

Eventually 5:30 rolled around and it was time to go get my hubby from work. Apparently his day was crazy busy at work and he didn't get to eat his lunch until 4:30. This of course meant that he did not want to eat dinner. Great. Have I mentioned how much cooking for one sucks? And since cooking for one sucks, I decided to just stop and get a veggie burger from Fatburger on the way home.

Somehow going to fatburger made my hubby hungry again. Miraculous! He only had french fries though...and as you can see from the pic above, I stole 6 of them. This is the point where things started to go downhill...mostly due to the next photo.

No big deal right? I had a glass of wine with dinner. So what? Well, the so what happened when our friends called and invited us over for a visit. We figured, it's our last weekend before our daughter gets back, so why not? My hubby reminded me not to overdo it though, 'cause we were getting up early to go to Whistler in the morning. Pfft. Whatever! Me? Overdo it on wine? Never.

So here are the photos of the wine I drank. Actually, let me correct that a little bit. These are the photos I remembered to take while I drank copious amounts of wine. I'm fairly certain you could add 4-5 more photos while keeping in mind that I usually remembered to take the photos after I was half done the drink. Oops.

See what happened was my hubby went for a walk with his guy friend while I stayed back at our friend's home with my girl friend. Clearly I'm not to be trusted around bottles of red wine and generous friends. Needless to say when my hubby got back, it was a bit too late for me to remain sober. And because I was already having so much fun, I had a bit more before we headed home. Thank goodness my husband's not a he got to be DD.

My friend, good friend that she is, gave me a granola bar (I think) and some vitamin water to drink on the way home. This was supposed to make me feel better. I'm pretty sure I ate the granola bar, but my memory is fuzzy. Somehow I think it's likely seeing as how I bothered to take the picture.

I'm not going to share all of the details of the ride home, but I'm pretty sure it started with me laughing hysterically in the car and ended with my hubby having to pull over more than once. Me and the toilet may have spent some quality time hugging also. Proud moments for sure. At some point I must have made it into bed, because I woke up in the morning, in my bed, with my contacts still in my eyes and the following picture texted to my phone. It said "put this on your blog drunkass".

It was from my hubby. Thanks dear! Sigh. I was in trouble in the morning...but I guess you'll have to read the next post to find out about it!