Sunday, August 26, 2012

The gong show that was Friday...

What a weekend! Lots of fun, but in terms of eating well it was a bit of a write off. Looks like Sunday's post will need to be named back on track day. But for now...I'll start with summing up my Friday.

It was my day off, but somehow I had just as much planned for the day as if I had been working! I got up and drove my husband to work. Because I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth and hair and threw on clothes before dragging my butt out the door I didn't eat anything. This would've been fine and I would've just ate as soon as I got home, but because it was getting late and all of my gym stuff was in the car, I decided to go straight to Burnaby Hit on my way home. Great workout, got my 3 times per week goal wrapped up, but felt like I was going to die throughout my workout due to the lack of fuel my body had to burn. One day I will learn this lesson. One day...

By the time I made it home, my body was screaming for food. My fridge was looking pretty bare (this happens easily when I don't have to worry about feeding my daughter) so I settled on some grapes and almonds while I figured out what else to eat. 10 grapes, 20 almonds.

After I ate my 'snack' I realized that it was close enough to lunch to not bother with breakfast. Because I still had slim pickings in my fridge, I opted for bowl of broccoli-cheddar soup leftovers. Still yummy!

And about an hour after I ate that, I had my belated breakfast. Source raspberry yogurt with Kashi honey almond flax cereal.

See...this is how I should've started my day! In the afternoon, I worked from home even  though it was my day off. I have a report due Monday. That report was no where near done because my work week has been so busy. So I decided to save myself the headache Monday and get some of it done. When I got sick of working, I cleaned up my house a bit. Exciting huh?

Eventually 5:30 rolled around and it was time to go get my hubby from work. Apparently his day was crazy busy at work and he didn't get to eat his lunch until 4:30. This of course meant that he did not want to eat dinner. Great. Have I mentioned how much cooking for one sucks? And since cooking for one sucks, I decided to just stop and get a veggie burger from Fatburger on the way home.

Somehow going to fatburger made my hubby hungry again. Miraculous! He only had french fries though...and as you can see from the pic above, I stole 6 of them. This is the point where things started to go downhill...mostly due to the next photo.

No big deal right? I had a glass of wine with dinner. So what? Well, the so what happened when our friends called and invited us over for a visit. We figured, it's our last weekend before our daughter gets back, so why not? My hubby reminded me not to overdo it though, 'cause we were getting up early to go to Whistler in the morning. Pfft. Whatever! Me? Overdo it on wine? Never.

So here are the photos of the wine I drank. Actually, let me correct that a little bit. These are the photos I remembered to take while I drank copious amounts of wine. I'm fairly certain you could add 4-5 more photos while keeping in mind that I usually remembered to take the photos after I was half done the drink. Oops.

See what happened was my hubby went for a walk with his guy friend while I stayed back at our friend's home with my girl friend. Clearly I'm not to be trusted around bottles of red wine and generous friends. Needless to say when my hubby got back, it was a bit too late for me to remain sober. And because I was already having so much fun, I had a bit more before we headed home. Thank goodness my husband's not a he got to be DD.

My friend, good friend that she is, gave me a granola bar (I think) and some vitamin water to drink on the way home. This was supposed to make me feel better. I'm pretty sure I ate the granola bar, but my memory is fuzzy. Somehow I think it's likely seeing as how I bothered to take the picture.

I'm not going to share all of the details of the ride home, but I'm pretty sure it started with me laughing hysterically in the car and ended with my hubby having to pull over more than once. Me and the toilet may have spent some quality time hugging also. Proud moments for sure. At some point I must have made it into bed, because I woke up in the morning, in my bed, with my contacts still in my eyes and the following picture texted to my phone. It said "put this on your blog drunkass".

It was from my hubby. Thanks dear! Sigh. I was in trouble in the morning...but I guess you'll have to read the next post to find out about it!

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