Saturday, August 4, 2012

Not too bad for a social day!

As you know, last night I made some overnight oatmeal so that I'd have an easy breakfast option in the morning. However, I slept in a bit and needed to get to Burnaby Hit so I left the house, ate a banana on the way and planned to eat the oatmeal when I got back from my workout. 

You might notice this picture looks exactly like the one I posted previoulsy. That's because I left my phone at home today and so wasn't able to take a picture. This re-used picture was the next best thing. At least I was honest!

Today was a great day at Burnaby Hit. Each station has different intensity options for the exercises and today I somehow found it in me, with the help of Zunobia, to do the high intensity version at most of the stations. That girl sure knows how to motivate! I was dripping sweat by the time I was done and that was okay with me. Why? Because...

I drove home feeling pretty darn proud of myself. And when I got there, I remembered my oatmeal. Now, I didn't follow the recipe above outside of using it for the overnight cooking method. Me and my daughter then had a make your own oatmeal bar. Mine is on the left and I put in 1 Tbs peanut butter, 1Tbs unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 cup of mixed berries (thawed from the night before), and a sprinkling of cinnamon. My chicklet's is on the right and she added 1 Tbs peanut butter, 1 Tbs unsweetened shredded coconut, a sprinkling of cinnamon and 1.5 Tbs brown sugar. According to her, her's was better than mine (mine was sans sugar) and apparently better than the boxed kind too!

I ate just over half my oatmeal and it was time to get ready to head to our friend's house for a BBQ. Really, my oatmeal breakfast was more like an oatmeal lunch thanks to the sleep in. We live in Burnaby and they live in Maple Ridge and a bad habit of ours has always been to do a store run for the ride out we fill our faces with chips during the drive. I assumed my family would still be doing a junk food stop, so I took a pre-emptive strike and grabbed a 20 count handful of almonds to eat on the way so I wouldn't be tempted. family surprised me and didn't stop! But I still ate the almonds.

Today was hot in Burnaby...and HOTTER in Maple Ridge. In an effort to keep us all cool and refreshed my girlfriend passed around the watermelon. I wasn't feeling all that hungry just then, but I couldn't help but to have at least one piece. Yum! Watermelon tastes great on a hot day!

The other thing that tastes great on a hot day is a vodka cooler. And since it was a social event, I indulged without feeling guilty. 

I fully realize I may as well be drinking a glass of sugar and calories, but they taste good dammit!

Next up was dinner and as mentioned it was a BBQ. Everyone but me had smokies that were apparently delicious. Me on the other hand, being a vegetarian, had a veggie burger. And our good friend who was in charge of the BBQ was fantastic...he kept my veggie burger seperated from the meat AND remembered to use a separate utensil which lots of non-vegetarians forget. Thank you!!

The veggie burgers I like are not soy based ones, but rice based ones. My favourite are the Gardenburgers from Costco.  They taste even better on the BBQ. In fact they are so good that I got three bites in before I realized that I needed to take a picture of my plate! What can I say? I was hungry! I also had some veggies and dip to round out the meal.

Thanks again to our friends for having us over and doing all the work to get the food ready. I tried to help, but about 5 minutes in while chopping up lettuce for the salad, I decided to nearly take off my thumb. Some paper towel, ice and three bandaids later, I was kicked out of the kitchen, at least in a cooking capacity. So instead, I helped out in a social way, chatting it up with my girl, who I hadn't seen in far too long!

After more cooler. But it was my last one. I swear. And I didn't drive. My husband played DD. Thanks to you too!!

After a great day with a nice visit and some awesome people, it was time to head home. We have an early morning plan tomorrow to go to Buntzen Lake with some friends. But on the way home, I had a moment of weakness and caved when my hubby decided to stop at Tim Hortons. I had a small hot chocolate. (Side note - see the bandaid on my thumb? Sigh). 

To be honest, I pretty much regreted it about 3 sips in. It was kind of gross tasting and I knew I really wasn't hungry OR thirsty, but was just getting one to get one, 'cause everyone else was getting something. I know better. But I drank it anyway. Guess it didn't taste THAT bad. ;-)

So that was my day. Not horrible considering that going to a friend's house for dinners/BBQs can often mean major overindulging. Tomorrow will be a packed picnic lunch, so we'll see how I do with that too. And in the meantime...I'm going to bed! 

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