Saturday, August 18, 2012

Today's pespective on yesterday

So, this blog is late. I was so nervous/excited for my run, that I went to be early to make sure that I didn't sleep in. I'm SO not a morning person! But since I'm committed to this blog, I'm going to try to sum up yesterday's eats real quick!

I woke up yesterday morning just before my hubby was about to leave and catch the bus/train to work. Seeing as how I was already up, I offered to drive him. Maybe I felt a little guilty about the whole dishes thing ;-)

I didn't have time to eat before we left and I wanted to go straight to Burnaby Hit after dropping my hubby off, so we swung through McDonald's drive-through on the way to his work. I had a fruit/yogurt/granola parfait. It was okay, but I'm pretty sure I won't be making a habit of these...and I'm equally sure that the yogurt they use is not a low fat/fat free version!

After I ate my quickie breakfast, I headed to Burnaby Hit for three reasons. One - I needed to meet my 3x/week goal. Two - I needed to pick up my Color Me Rad swag and team t-shirts (yay)! And three - I love it there!

After I did the circuit with the supportive push of Teri, I went home and ate a protein bar. Yum!

The rest of my morning consisted of sun tanning in my back yard. Tough life, having Fridays off!
I didn't bake too long, came inside and had a shower while trying to figure out a lunch option. As weird as it was (seeing as how it was like 30 outside) I was having a mad craving for soup. I took some leftover Minestrone out of the freezer, heated it up and voila! Lunch.

Do you like the bowl? Tony the Tiger Kellog's bowl. It's my daughter's. I was still a bit hungry afterwards, so I thought almonds would make a good add-on to lunch.

With my tummy full and satisfied, I headed out and decided to go to the mall. It's air-conditioned and plus - it's been awhile since I did some shopping! I love the mall (and shopping)! I tried on lots of stuff, but managed to not spend a bunch of money. This is good because my hubby and I are eyeing up Whister next weekend!

After shopping, I time to sit at home for a bit before going to get my hubby. I did glamorous things like laundry. I also ate a piece of toast made from the Cobb's multigrain bread I bought on my way home.

Next stop - my husband's workplace. I picked him up, we went home, I had wine.

While I had wine, I also made dinner. For him - homemade chicken strips. For me - homemade tofu strips. Instead of fries to go with it, we had sweet potato fries (part of the tofu recipe). I may have also made Tangy Cumin Mayonnaise to go with the sweet potato fries.

I really wasn't sure how I was going to like tofu strips. I'm not a huge fan of tofu and have only every liked it when it was made at a Japanese restaurant (as in teriyaki tofu). Any time I've made it at home, more of it's gone in the garbage than in my mouth. So I was skeptical.

The good news is - they were actually pretty good. I could see myself making them again as an alternative when my family wants chicken strips. I don't really see myself going out of my way to suggest it as a dinner option though. So - not my favourite, but definitely edible. The sweet potato fries however were FANTASTIC! As you can see from my plate, I had some of the cumin-mayo dip, but honestly I could eat these babies without...and likely will next time I make them! But in case you ever want to try to make the dip yourself, here's the recipe. Put 3/4 cup mayo, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice, 1 tsp honey, 1 heaping Tbs chopped cilantro and 1.5 tsp ground cumin in a bow. Mix. Done. Easy right? It makes a lot of dip - my hubby and I ate probably less than 1/3 of it, so you may want to scale down...unless you're a big dipper.

We ate a bit late tonight, which meant that after dinner, I watched a tiny bit of TV and then went to bed. This Friday evening wasn't exactly the kind that wild stories are made from...but I needed some rest for Color Me Rad in the morning! Speaking of which.....To be continued....

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