Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Movies and popcorn...and not much else

I was lying in bed this morning, enjoying a lovely sleep-in, when my husband started poking me. "Hey, are you still driving me to work this morning?" Ughhh.... So, I got up, threw a hat and some clothes on and got in the car. No time to eat, but I promised myself I'd eat something when I got home. And since it's Tuesday...I grabbed a Starbucks soy chai latte on the way.

There. That woke me up. And in case you're wondering why I said "since it's Tuesday", one of my August goals that I still haven't got around to posting is to drink Starbucks on Tuesdays, Thursdays and one weekend day. This is down from every second day. So far so good!

When I got home, I debated between oatmeal and cereal with yogurt. Eventually the yogurt option won. I am REALLY liking the Kashi honey almond flax cereal. 

By the time I ate this, it was almost lunch time, so I skipped lunch because I wasn't hungry. Right after I ate, I had a shower, had my daughter get ready (she made and ate a pb&j sandwich while I dried my hair) and headed out with her to the movies. I had promised her we would go see the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie before she left for her trip. And of course this meant....popcorn.

And what's popcorn without pop?

I ordered a large popcorn to share with my daughter. It had butter on it. I'm not sure why I felt we needed a large popcorn to share? Habit I guess? Bottom line is that between the two of us we MAYBE ate 1/3 of the bag. What a waste of money!! And trust me, concession food at Silvercity isn't cheap! On the bright side, I nailed my proportion on the pop. The guy at the stand grabbed a regular sized drink for me and I took one look and said "um no". I made him take it back and get me a small size 7up (which he insisted would be too small). I disagreed. And I was right. It lasted the whole movie.

The movie was funny and me and my chicklet shared lots of laughs! After the movie, we walked around Metrotown mall to do some last minute pre-trip shopping for her. I must say that my system is definitely not used to eating junk anymore. I felt completely sick to my stomach the whole time we shopped. Gross! I still feel sick thinking about how I felt earlier. Last time I order a large sized popcorn for two! Not even sure I want popcorn next time period. My mom would be disappointed! Popcorn is a family tradition! Must've been the butter on it.....

After the movie, my daughter and I went to pick up my husband from work. I STILL felt sick. We drove home and by the time we got there it was too late to go to Burnaby Hit. I was SO disappointed...I really wanted to get there today. My plan was to go for a run instead to make up for it - but mother nature had another idea in mind. Thunder storms! Really? Thunder storms? Here? Clearly mother nature is against me.

So, rather than go for a run, I made a quick dinner. None of us were feeling all that hungry, so I barbequed a veggie burger for me and some sausages for my family. Luckily, our BBQ is under a covered area.

The veggie burger was good - I really like the Costco ones. However my tummy still wasn't feeling it. I think what I really needed was fruit or some vegetables. So tomorrow I'm going to hit up the grocery store to buy just that!

And finally, before bed, a glass of wine.

I'd like to say that this helped my tummy feel better, but it didn't. Big surprise. So I think I'll down some water and just go to bed. Speaking of which, maybe that's part of the problem? I really didn't drink much water today. So much for my 6 8oz glasses of water per day goal. Sigh. I now know that eating garbage makes me feel like garbage...so here's to a better eating day tomorrow!

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