Saturday, August 4, 2012

Forgetting food.

Today was a day where I forgot to eat. Now don't freak out, this really wasn't an intentional thing. This was a "I was so focused on other things that I didn't notice until 3pm that I hadn't eaten anything but almonds" thing. Let me explain.

Last night was another late night which translated into another chaotic morning. This whole sleeping thing is really something I need to work on. I'm a night owl by nature and will probably never be the early bird that catches the worm. Plus, to be honest, I'm a bit stressed lately. My chicklet is heading on her own mini vacation in a few days, going to visit family across the country, by herself. For 3 weeks!! It's exciting for her and stressful for me. This probably doesn't solely account for my crappy sleeping habits, but the added stress is likely not helping it either.

Anyway, due to us all sleeping in a bit later than we should've, the morning was a mad scramble and all I had time to do on my way out the door is grab a handful of almonds. But because I'm obsessive like that, I counted to make sure I had 20. Sigh.

I didn't even eat them right away! My hubby and I dropped our daughter off at summer camp and then I ate them on the ride to my husband's work. After dropping him off, I stopped in at the airport to organize and pay for the rest of my daughter's trip - I had already bought her ticket there and now needed to buy her ticket home. After what seemed like forever at the airport, and $8.75 later for parking, I decided I really wanted to walk the Stanley Park seawall. It's one of my most favourite places to walk and is approximately 10km around. It was a beautiful day and I was determined to take advantage! Plus I hadn't made it to Burnaby Hit this morning, so wanted to get some exercise in (P.S. - I'm going tomorrow to get my 3 workouts in this week). 

The walk was great! I saw some friends and had a chance to make some plans for the weekend - yay! I also saw a cute little seal swimming close to shore. All in all, it took me about 1 hour and 50 minutes to do my walk. This was great, and I guzzled lots of water along the way...problem was, by the time I got back to my car, popped into work to pick a lunch reimbursement cheque (yay) and made it back to Burnaby, it was about 3pm. And I hadn't eaten anything since the almonds this morning. Oops.

As soon as I realized this, I also realized how hungry I was. What was I thinking!! I had nothing planned for lunch at home, so I stopped by Subway on the way home and picked up a 6 inch veggie sub (lettuce, onion, green peppers, jalepeno peppers and cucumbers) with sweet onion dressing. I brought it home and ate it up.

There. That was better. And since I was still hungry and in need of a bit of protein, I had my last slice of protein bar. Time to make more of these delicious little things!

At this point it was time to pick up my daughter from summer camp, so I did. Shortly afterwards, we walked to Safeway to pick up some things for dinner. Tonight's plan was to BBQ some chicken thighs for my family and have a salad and corn on the cob with it. I picked up everything that we needed for dinner, things we didn't need for dinner (like creamsicles) and also grabbed some steel cut oats and frozen mixed berries with the intention of trying to beef up my breakfasts.

When we got home, I threw the chicken in a marinade and me and my chicklet went to pick up my husband from work. About 45 minutes later we were back at home and it was time to think about getting our grill on. One habit I have developed over the years is liking to have a cooler while barbequing. My mind has now completely associated the two things as belonging together. So, I drank this while I barbequed.

I boiled the corn, 'cause I was feeling too lazy to BBQ it. Once the chicken was done and resting, I made the salad. Romaine lettuce (so I could share with my guinea pig - he loves when I make salad), cucumbers, grape tomatoes, red onion, radishes and avocado, topped with shredded cheddar, sunflower seeds and for me, Italian dressing. I had a dinner sized plate of salad because well, it's salad, plus I had ate very little today so thought it would be appropriate! I didn't want to douse the salad with dressing so I used two capfuls of dressing (the cap was small).

Just as I was finishing my dinner, a friend called and wanted to go for a run. So far our schedules had not been meshing so I was stoked to finally get a run in with her! To be honest, I was a little hesitant at first. Not because of my friend (she's fantastic), but because up to this point I had only ever ran alone. All my insecurities about not being fit enough, fast enough or able to talk while running trampled into my mind and briefly made me want to say I couldn't do it. But then I challenged myself to give it a try and actually enjoy some time with a friend! I'm notorious for forgetting to have me time and even worse for forgetting to have me and a friend time. So, I met her, we ran, and it was FANTASTIC! We kept pace with each other, stopped briefly when we had to, enjoyed catching up and ran farther than I thought we'd be able to...just over 5km in 39 minutes! I definitely learned that running with a friend is fun...and we decided to do it again. These next upcoming days are a bit busy, but I'm making a point of trying to get a run in with her again soon...I enjoyed it! Maybe it can become a weekly thing? Or maybe even more often!

Once I got home, I downed more water, rested for a bit and decided to have one more snack before bed. After digging around in my semi-bare fridge (I really must do a real grocery shop soon), I opted for a nectarine. So good!

And that's it for my eating day. I think tonight I'm going to try an overnight oat recipe so that I have breakfast basically ready in the morning to fuel my body before going to Burnaby Hit. Then I have no excuse not to eat in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow...which coincidentally is my official one month mark of my new workout routine.That also means I'll be posting my monthly results! Stay tuned....and goodnight for now! :-)

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