Monday, August 6, 2012

Pizza and bowling...oh my

 Have I mentioned I'm really NOT a breakfast person? I always thought the main problem was that I didn't like breakfast foods. Well that's not the problem - I actually found out that I like homemade oatmeal and yogurt with granola/cereal. What I've discovered is that I really don't like eating first thing in the morning and usually am not hungry then either.

So that being said, I woke up this morning around 9:30 and felt like going for a walk. I knew I should eat something first, but I just couldn't stomach the thought of a lot of food yet, so I made some toast and headed out for a walk with my daughter.

She's leaving me to go on her summer vacay soon so I'm trying to get in as much quality time with my chicklet as possible. I'm going to miss her like crazy!

When we got back from our walk, I made our 'real' breakfast - oatmeal. The steelcut oats are great reheated and taste yummy once they are dressed up! I put mixed berries, 1tsp brown sugar, 1 tbs peanut butter, 1 tbs shredded coconut and a sprinkling of cinnamon. My daughter put similar stuff on her hers, minus the berries and plus some extra brown sugar.

After our breakfast/lunch (by the time we ate it was close to noon), my hubby and I decided to take advantage of the long weekend family time and took our daughter bowling. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! The deal was 2 hours of bowling plus a large pizza for $39. At this point I knew I was in trouble.

All together we bowled four rounds. My hubby won the first one. Then we ordered our pizza to eat after game two. My hubby also won game two. Then our pizza arrived. We ordered 1/2 Hawaiian and 1/2 veggie lover.  I had two slices. It was REALLY good pizza. Who'd have thought a bowling alley would make delicious pizza??

Did I mention that I had a cooler while we bowled?

The third game we decided it would be fun to have a ramp bowling competition. More fun! Our daughter won...kicked our butts actually!

After the third game and much contemplation, I had one more piece of pizza. I justified it by telling myself it had lots of veggies and plus...I had been REALLY active this weekend.  I know, I know, I'm conning myself. Weekends are my weakness...I need a weekday eating routine to keep me in line!

Our fourth and final game and my husband won. Again. And not only did he win, but he finished the game with two strikes! When our daughter is gone away I think he and I will have to do a rematch. I'm determined to win!!

We went home and none of us were hungry for a meal because we had ate the pizza around 4pm. So my daughter and I finished making some friendship bracelets we had started working on this morning. Did I mention I was going to miss my chicklet when she goes?? After we were done, she had some computer time, I had some TV time and my husband had some nap time. An hour or so later, I started getting hungry, so I chopped up some fruit for us to munch on.

Looks good huh? Strawberries, nectarines, grapes and watermelon. We all shared and I had 6 pieces of everything. While we ate, my daughter and I watched a movie. Adventures in Babysitting was on TV! I loved that movie when I was a kid. My daughter seemed to enjoy it too.Good times :-)

And that was my eating day. The lesson I learned today is that I need to plan a bit better for days when we are going out as a family so that I don't binge eat on fast food. But I can't be too down on myself because I was pretty darn good when we went to the beach for the day yesterday. I don't know how great I'll do tomorrow (going to the movies and the family wants BBQ burgers). I also don't know how good I'll do the next day (my daughter requested homemade mac and cheese for her last meal before she goes on her trip). Guess we'll all just have to wait and see!

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