Friday, August 3, 2012

What I ate...a little late

I woke up yesterday morning with a new sense of determination stemming from the new goals I set for myself for August (in a blog post to come, maybe today). Unfortunately, my mornings have been tough and I've been having a hard time getting my butt out of bed on time. I think I'm going to bed too late... Once up, I scrambled to get lunches together for myself and my daughter because 1. she was going on a field trip with summer camp and couldn't be late despite my sleeping in and 2. Tuesday sucked because I was starving all day from not packing enough food and I didn't want to repeat that mistake. After getting the lunches together and getting my daughter and my husband out the door, I had my breakfast. 

I'm getting used to this whole eating cereal and yogurt thing, but I don't want to get bored of it so I really must remember to buy some oatmeal and berries to try to fit in to my breakfasts. Then I have to figure out how to cook it properly because I'm doubting Quaker instant oatmeal made in the microwave is the healthiest option!

I caught the bus to work yesterday morning as my hubby takes the car on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I wasn't ready to leave with him. On the walk to the bus stop, I stopped by Starbucks and got my soy chai latte. Now, don't panic, if you follow this blog you might have noticed that yesterday was my 'Starbucks off' day. There's a reason that I had one which relates to my new month's goals...but remember you have to stay tuned for what they are! It will all make sense!

 When I got to work (like an hour later), I was already feeling hungry for my mid-morning snack. It was a good one! and nectarine. I really like fruit, despite it being a pain in the ass to cut up. My daughter got some of this in her lunch too!

Somehow, I got so caught up in work yesterday, that I forgot to eat my lunch. My calendar alarm went off at 1:30 that it was time for a team meeting....crap! No time to eat first. I went to my meeting and sighed. I was in trouble. I hadn't ate since my earlier fruit snack and my boss had brought a huge tray of chocolate cupcakes to the meeting. Yikes! I watched as the guy across from me ate not one, not two, but three chocolate cupcakes. He was an evil ectomorph too. I was so hungry and so tempted, but I didn't want to give in! Somehow I made it to the end of the meeting, when my boss pointed out that I didn't try one of her cupcakes. Foiled! I politely took one, saying I'd eat it later and she gave me another one (for my daughter). So this was at about 3:30, which meant that I had to keep them with me in my office for another 2.5 hours before my program and then for the ride home afterwards. Great. I put them on my bookshelf in the corner of my office and quickly grabbed my lunch before I binged on chocolate cupcakes.

I had thrown the leftover chickpea salad from Monday into my lunch yesterday. I basically never keep leftovers longer than two days. I have a paranoia about food going bad and honestly, it's pretty rare I eat something even two days after it was made. But I figured it still looked and smelled good and my fridge was looking bare so I went for it. It tasted good (flavours were really melded by this point) AND I'm writing my blog today so I know I didn't get food poisoned! But I will say that what didn't go into my lunch went into the garbage.

Because I had waited so long to eat and was REALLY hungry, I had some veggies & dip (half the dip) right after eating the chickpea salad.

I somehow made it to my 6pm program without eating the chocolate chip cupcakes sitting on my bookshelf. For good measure, I ate my almonds to make sure I wasn't tempted to wolf them down after my program was done. Didn't want to return to my office starving!

After program, I shoved the cupcakes in my bag where I would no longer have to look at them, went outside where my husband was waiting and told him to get me home quick so I could eat dinner! My husband and daughter did their own thing for dinner (chicken drumsticks and potato wedges) and I was feeling lazy so I had leftover chickpea curry from Wednesday night. But while it was heating up, I had a glass of wine.

So, I'd like to say that was the end of my eating yesterday, but it wasn't. My husband and I tucked our daughter into bed and watched TV together. I forgot to mention that I watched my daughter eat one of the chocolate cupcakes for dessert and the second one was sitting on the table. My chocolate cravings were out of control!! I put it off...and put it off...and put it off. I was determined NOT to eat the icing covered chocolate cupcake. So instead, I had this.

Bye, bye chocolate cravings!

So that was my eating day. I drank lots of water. I didn't go to the gym or run yesterday and was completely exhausted from a long day. After watching Big Brother, I started the process of my blog by emailing the pictures from my phone to my email account. And then I gave up and went to bed, because my brain was no longer functioning and I knew trying to write this would be a mess! But I also knew that I'd get around to it in the morning...and I was okay with that. :-)

1 comment:

  1. great job - wow! I don't know how you resisted that cupcake..i know how it is in an office - so hard!! Check this great link..snack that are healthy

    You are really making me think about my eating...Are you up for a run tonight? I have a 5 km scheduled but I know it's super hot today so I was thinking of putting it off until late..let me know!
