Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Guess what I did today?!

The best thing about today is that I signed up for Color Me Rad! I really had to get over my self-doubt to commit to this one. Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy and always my worst critic. I had the little voice in the back of my head saying "you can't do it. you can't keep up with the other girls on the team. you'll look so stupid all red faced and by yourself". Then I told that inner voice to SHUT THE HELL UP and replaced that negative self talk with a great big I CAN DO THIS!! Then I signed up and I'm proud of myself for doing so. I am SO excited for this run! I'm on team Burnaby Hit and I'm so ready to run with the girls and get covered in colour! Of course this means I need to make sure I get my runs in this week so that I'm ready for the 5km run.One more practice run on Thursday and the Color Me Rad is on Saturday, bright and early! I cannot wait to post pictures afterwards, so stay tuned!!

So outside of that bit of excitement, my day started much the same as any other day where my hubby works and I'm at home (or working from home)...him poking me and asking "are you driving me today?" I can't blame him. I hate taking the bus too. So I got up and brought him to work. I could've let him just take the car, but I wanted it so that I could go to Burnaby Hit today.

I waited until the last possible minute to get out of bed, which meant I definitely wasn't eating anything before we left the house. However, the second I walked in the door, I made myself some yogurt and cereal.

I played around on the computer for a bit while I let my breakfast digest a little before heading to Burnaby Hit. Eventually, I got my butt out the door, ready and willing to work!

Today's trainer was Teri, and we had great conversation about goals and the importance of making lifestyle changes, being committed and owning your decisions when trying to meet your health and  fitness goals. She is such motivating and inspiring woman! Her enthusiasm at my joining the Burnaby Hit Color Me Rad team made me even more excited about the run! In terms of my actual workout, she gave me some pointers on how to make the most out of the uppercut station (don't get to close to your bag/opponent and don't let my left arm drop). After my workout I was exhausted, looked like hell, and couldn't be happier about it!

So...when I got home, I celebrated with a protein bar!

Seeing as how I was supposed to be working from home today, I decided to do some work in the afternoon. I did however take a break to have my next amazing lunch!

Doesn't it look good?! It was delicious! This week's lunch recipes have been amazing. All hits and no misses so far! Today's choice was a Chickpea-wheatberry salad with Mary's crackers and hummous. I made the following changes to the recipe: I halved the amounts of salad ingredients (my hubby wouldn't touch this dish with a 6 foot pole and I didn't want it to go to waste) and omitted the tomato all together. I used the full amount of dressing and added in a squirt of honey for sweetness and some herbavare seasoning. I ate up every last bite off of my salad sized plate and have full intentions of bringing the rest for lunch again tomorrow!

A bit more work, and it was time to pick up my hubby from work. What a great wife I am right? We came home and I started prepping for dinner. While I did that, my wonderful husband ran and got me a bottle of Shiraz to drink while I made dinner.

On tonight's menu was BBQ chicken breast with 'orange potatoes' and sauteed asparagus. My husband absolutely loves grilled chicken with BBQ sauce, sliced down the middle with melted cheese on the inside. In terms of the 'orange potatoes' - they are boiled cubed potatoes with green onion, butter and seasoning salt (maybe not the most healthy way of making potatoes). The asparagus is sauteed in olive oil with garlic, kosher salt and pepper and is topped with shredded Parmesan cheese. Also not the healthiest way of prepping this veggie, but's tasty!

I was tempted to add in some leftover salad from lunch, but I wanted to save it for tomorrow's lunch. That way I won't have to stay up late cooking for tomorrow and I also won't have to panic last minute in the morning trying to think of something to throw together for lunch. I wanted the Chickpea-wheatberry salad tomorrow...I'm having the Chickpea-wheatberry salad tomorrow!

I'd like to finish here and say, "that was my eating day". However, because my dinner was a bit on the minimal side, I became hungry for a late night snack later in the evening. I caved to my chocolate cravings and had a granola bar. 100 calories...guess it's not that bad!

Plus...I did this today so I had nothing to feel guilty about! I'm the one on the left getting busy throwing hooks. For the record - it's last night's picture, but you get the point! I <3 Burnaby Hit!!

Goodnight! :-)

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