Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trying to get back on track

As much as I loved this past weekend, the last weekend of just me and hubby time, I know my eating got a bit off track. Knowing this (and also feeling it in my body) made me determined to do what I could to clean up my eating again!

This morning I wanted something different, so decided to make my husband and I breakfast smoothies to go. My breakfast smoothie was based on this blueberry banana smoothie recipe.

My smoothie had 1 cup of frozen mixed berries instead of blueberries, a single portion sized cup of blueberry flavoured greek style yogurt instead of 6oz plain nonfat yogurt, 3/4 cup regular milk instead of almond milk (I wasn't sure about this...I try not to drink milk ever) and I added a squirt of honey to the mix. The verdict? A yummy smoothie that both my husband and I enjoyed! I see many breakfast smoothies in my future. I think this is something that could be fun to play around with in terms of ingredients and flavours!

Because I worked a bit on Friday I was able to go into work a little late this morning. Since I was still feeling happy from this weekend, I decided to be a nice wife and drive my husband to work. By the time I arrived in my office, my stomach told me I needed to eat and so I had some raspberries.

I REALLY love raspberries. I continued working on my report that never seemed to end...and next thing you know it was lunch time. Today's lunch was leftover salad (butter lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, red onion, avocado, sunflower seeds and shredded marble cheese) topped with a tbs of Italian dressing.

Along with my salad, I had some leftover rice.

For the record, the container of rice looks huge in this picture. In reality it is roughly half of the size of the salad container (which is about the size of one sandwich).

After my lunch, I was distracted from my report by some fantastic news...my BFF had her baby today!! I really wish I could go to Thunder Bay to see her and her mini-me...but sadly I just can't do it right now. Congrats on your addition my bestie...I'll get there soon to visit you and your son as soon as I can okay??!!

Later on in the afternoon, I took a break from wanting to pull my hair out (report writing is so tiring sometimes...and always the least favourite part of my job) and had a snack. The Mary's Organic Rice Crackers perfectly satisfied my craving for something crunchy. The hummous was just an added bonus!

After my snack I was able to distract my focus away from food and the good news about my bestie, and towards my report that was due TODAY!! Somehow, my brain kicked into high gear and I got that report done! Man it felt good to have that task out of the way. Despite being at work later than I had planned, I left the office in good spirits. I got my butt home as fast as I could without breaking the speeding laws (by much), grabbed my workout gear and headed to Burnaby Hit. Before I ran out the door, I grabbed my second of the day 20oz container of water. Yep...still working on that water consumption goal!

Today at Hit it was busier than it has been lately. I was okay with that though because the enthusiasm in that gym was so contagious! I was motivated for a great workout and with Sarah's encouragement I was able to achieve just that. She pushed me right to the end and I left the gym happy, red, sweaty and exhausted. Perfect!

I picked up my husband from work, made a few pit stops (including at the grocery store) and headed home for dinner. But before cooking, I had a protein bar. It wasn't consumed in the recommended 30 minute post workout window, but hey...I ate it eventually!

After I ate my post workout snack, I started chopping in preparation for dinner. The plan for tonight was one of my most favourite types of food...Indian!! The dish? Veggie Korma. This my friends, in my opinion, is to die for. I LOVE Indian food. And while I chopped the veggies for dinner, I had a glass of wine.

Just one. I'm not quite ready for a night like last Friday just yet.

When I make this Veggie Korma recipe, I make the following adjustments. I omit the ground cashews...mostly because I always forget to buy ground cashews and I'm too lazy to grind them myself. I also substitute 1 cup coconut milk for the 1 cup heavy cream. Rather than using 1.5 tbs curry powder, I use the following spice mix: 3.5tsp curry powder, 2.5tsp ground cumin, 1 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1/4tsp cinnamon, 1/4tsp cayenne, 1/8tsp ground nutmeg and a dash of ground cloves.  In terms of cooking directions, I saute the onions until tender, then add in the garlic, ginger and spices and cook 1 minute before adding the salt and veggies. I then cook it for 10 minutes, add in the frozen peas, chopped peppers and coconut milk before reducing the heat to low, covering and simmering more like 30-40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

When it's done...it looks like this (served on jasmine rice):

I cannot emphasize how much I enjoy this dish. Even my husband, who insisted he would never eat Indian food because he doesn't like curry, eats this dish. I somehow restrained myself and ate only a salad sized plateful. It goes without saying that this will be my lunch tomorrow too.

So that was my eating day. I made better food choices (for the most part), drank lots of water, received fantastic news and found time to fit in my 30 Minute Hit workout. Here's hoping I can keep the momentum up tomorrow! PS - The countdown to my daughter's return is on! Three more sleeps til' I get to squeeze my chicklet!!

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