Sunday, August 12, 2012

A running around sort of day

Late nights = late mornings. So it was no surprise that I woke up at about 10:30am today. Crap. I had about a million things to do before I got started real quick.

Last night I decided I was going to go for a morning run to see how my knee would hold up. It was still sore when I crawled out of bed, but only when getting up and down. Walking and running seemed fine. So I went for my run. On an empty stomach. Oops. Between the heat, my empty tummy and the long day of cycling yesterday I only made it 2.7km before I needed to walk. So I shortened my route and adapted. And when I got home...I immediately ate one of my protein bars

Maybe not exactly the breakfast of champions (more like a snack)...but it sure was yummy! I then hopped in the shower, got dressed, told my hubby to get out of bed (he was still sleeping), and ran out the door to go shopping for our friend's daughter's third birthday party. You know, the one starting in an hour about an hour's drive from our house? Sigh.

I got to the mall and immediately became stressed out. This was not good. I LOVE shopping! But it seems I've forgotten how to shop for a 3 year old. It's been like 8 years since I've had to do it! So like the OCD freak that I am, I ran back and forth from Zellers to Toys 'r Us trying to decide between a baby doll bath set and a toy cash register set. I could not make a decision to save my life. Eventually I texted my husband for help. He then reminded me I said I'd be 30 minutes not 1 hour. (Sorry, is it my fault that they had really cute summer dresses on sale that I had to check out between running from Zellers to Toys 'r Us??). He then politely informed me I was acting crazy and to just choose whatever toy was on the left. Seeing as how he already thought I was crazy because I couldn't decide between two toys for a 3 year old, I didn't have the heart to tell him no toy was on the left because they were located in two different stores. So I chose the toy in the store I was currently in - Zellers. Baby doll bath it was. Then as I was walking to the cash register with the toy in hand, my husband texted me, trying to be funny and said "choose the cash register and TAKE IT TO THE CASH REGISTER!" Damn! I had already chosen the baby bath. I had another moment of craziness, texted him back and said I was on the way to the till with the baby bath and should I go back and get the cash register? I didn't mention I'd have to go to another store. I'm pretty sure he wanted to strangle me through the phone at this point, but instead told me the bath would be great and could I please hurry up?

Bought it, ran to the car. Ran back inside the mall because I realized I had nothing to put the present in. Got a bag. Ran back to the car. Sped home. Got tape to tape the bag together. Done. Time to go.

At this point it was about 1:45. We got there at about 2:45. Oops. Better late than never? The good thing was that the party was at a park and they were planning on spending the day there so we didn't miss much. Phew. Luckily for me we arrived at the perfect time - food time! I was hungry....likely because by this time (3pm - almost dinner) I had only eaten a protein bar! In all my rushing around I forgot to bring myself a veggie burger patty and was at a BBQ full of I had some veggies and dip and a slice of watermelon. Of course I didn't have a problem with it...I love fruit and veggies! I really must get the veggie dip recipe from my friend.

Close to 6pm we left the party. Before I left, I was told the baby bath set was a good choice. Thank god!! On our way home my husband and I debated what we were going to have for dinner. By this time I was REALLY hungry, getting cranky (that happens when I'm hungry) and just wanted to EAT not think about/decide/plan dinner, grocery shop for food and then go home and cook. So we settled for Fatburger. I had a veggie burger. Say what you was GOOD. And it did the trick...I wasn't hungry anymore.

We got take out, and ate at home. I had a glass of wine with it...cheers to the freakin' weekend right? For the record - I thought I did pretty good at Fatburger. Typically I would get the giant burger AND get fries or yam fries to go with it. Today I settled for just the burger despite being majorly hungry.  It was enough to make me full. Good job me!

After dinner my hubby and I walked to Safeway to get what I needed for tomorrow's lunch. I can't wait to try it out tomorrow, but you'll have to read the blog to see what it is! ;-)

We came home, my hubby decided he was going to play video games and I lounged on the couch watching TV. Eventually I got hungry and started eyeing up his chips. I caved, got a little container to fill up and had some.

It's been awhile since I had BBQ munchies. Not quite as good as I remember so it wasn't too hard to stick to my little serving. After I ate them, my daughter called. She's doing great and having a fantastic time with family. Today she went to the fair so she was a happy camper! I can't wait to hug her again!!

And that was my day. Now...time for bed. Back to the grind tomorrow.  Maybe, just maybe I'll get up early and go for a run before work. We'll see.....

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