Saturday, August 4, 2012

The results I expected...and the ones I didn't!

Today is officially my one month in mark! I started my exercise routine and fitness/health goals on July blog followed a bit later. When I first measured myself I was not thrilled with what I saw. And I was ball-parking my weight around 130-135, but really that was a complete guess. This morning, after going to Burnaby Hit to meet my 3x/week goal, I came home, took a deep breath, and pulled out the measuring tape.

I don't know why I felt nervous. I knew that my body had changed for the better and I DEFINITELY knew my strength and endurance had improved. I told myself that these changes were good enough so that even if I hadn't lost many inches I'd still be happy. Then I measured myself and here are the results:

Hips: 37.5 = 2.5 inch loss!
Waist: 27 = 1 inch loss
Thigh: 22.5 = .5 inch loss (could be better - stubborn area)
Bicep: 10.5 = .5 inch loss

I'm stoked! Seeing these kinds of results in 1 month's time makes me SO happy, SO motivated, and SO ready to stick to this routine!

And those were the results I expected. I didn't know what the exact amounts would be, but I knew there was improvement. Now for the improvements I didn't expect.

The first improvement is in my mood. The effects on my mood were completely unexpected. I'm happier, I'm less anxious, I have a more positive outlook on things and I feel less impatient with those around me.  I feel much less stressed, and I'm guessing the cathartic nature of hitting and kicking things is definitely helping me get out some pent up frustrations. That and taking time out for myself through exercise is definitely helping me to feel more balanced. My husband, brave man that he is, pointed out that he's noticed I'm happier and, generally speaking, more fun to be around because of the positive energy I'm expressing. 

Speaking of energy, this is the other unexpected improvement. I truly believed that if I exercised more, and what amounts to be 6 times per week between Burnaby Hit and running, that I would be exhausted all the time. The complete opposite has happened! I have so much more energy and overall am less tired (with the exception of my late night / early morning problem). I also believe that this boost in energy plays a role in my better mood because it's hard to stay cheerful when you are feeling worn out all the time! My strength and endurance have improved and I'm finding that all those tiring day to day chores and activities are taking less of a toll on my body.

Finally, the last major unexpected improvement for me is the increase in confidence I have in myself. I used to dread summer. I hated wearing shorts and basically would do anything possible to avoid them. I was very self-conscious. Now things are different. I don't have a perfect body, but I'm okay with that. I like my body better now. I wear shorts even though my body doesn't look exactly the way I want it to. Why? Because I feel better and stronger and I like me more! I know that I'm a work in progress and somehow the workouts I do at Burnaby Hit make me feel more confident generally. I know that I can do it...even when it hurts, even when I think I can't. One of the major lessons I've learned this month is as follows:

So I do!

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