Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today...short, sweet and on time!

I was determined to have a good start this morning, so after I showered I made myself some Kashi cereal with yogurt. 

After I ate, it was time to get dressed and get myself to work. My husband had to leave earlier so I was bussing it today. As I was putting on my pants, I noticed that the button came off when I washed them. Great. This meant I had to sew my button back on...and anyone that knows me well also knows that I DON'T SEW. Unfortunately I had no choice this morning because my broken pants = my only clean pair of pants. Fantastic. With much effort and a few under the breath swears I managed to get the button back on. I'm not sure it's going to stay on and I'm also not sure I put it on the exactly right place, but it did the job and my pants managed to stay on today. Phew.

After all this hard work, I went to Starbucks and got my Tuesday soy chai latte.

Next stop...work. Thankfully all the hard work of the past few days paid off and I was much less busy today. I took care of things that had been overlooked while I wrote my report...and this brought me to lunch time. I was excited for lunch....leftover veggie korma!! Yummy.....

I almost ate all of it. Almost, but not quite. This is probably a good thing because I'm pretty sure my portion size was way off. The rest of my afternoon was pretty quiet so I won't bore you with the details. Plus it's all kind of one boring blur. What I do know is that I ate some snacks throughout the afternoon. First up, a couple of raspberries and grapes.

I have this thing with symmetry. A quirk if you will. There were six raspberries left in the container, which to me meant that I had to add exactly six grapes if I was going to eat any grapes. Don't ask.

After my snack, I prepped for my evening program and headed over to my second office. When I got there I decided I should eat again. You know...so that I could make it through my program. This time I had trail mix (almonds, goji berries, cranberries and cocoa nibs).

The snack did it's job and I was able to stay awake and alert for my program which is perfect since I'm the one running it. However, after work I was t-i-r-e-d. And hungry. And the last thing I felt like doing was planning a  meal, grocery shopping for what I needed and then going home to cook it. So my husband suggested pizza by the slice on the way home. I wasn't thrilled but didn't offer any alternatives so pizza it was. I bought two slices - a pesto slice and a veggie slice.

On the ride home I got to chat with my daugther. I haven't said it on here for awhile but I really miss her! Two more sleeps then she's home! I asked her what I should make for dinner when she gets here. Obviously she said homemade mac 'n cheese - her favourite! Pictures and recipe to follow on Thursday or Friday!

When we got home I ate the pesto slice of pizza. Meh. I then took a bite of the veggie slice and just couldn't do it. I threw it out. But I was still hungry and kind of craving chocolate so I had a protein bar. Probably not the best dinner I've had.

But also not the worst! The plan was to go for a run before eating the protein bar, but mother nature was plotting against me again and made it rain. Getting wet was not appealing so I opted out. Probably I should invest in some waterproof running gear...'cause we all know it rains in Vancouver! If I'm going to keep up my running, I'm going to need to make it easier on myself by preventing possible excuses in advance!

And this is where the blog stops for today. It's 9:30 and I'm not going to bed yet. I'm going to watch TV and relax. I'm going to try not to eat the bag of Ms Vickie's salt and vinegar chips that's sitting in front of me. I promise that I'll let you all know tomorrow if I cave! But for now...fingers crossed!!

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