Thursday, August 9, 2012

Two for one

WARNING: This post was written roughly 24 hours late. It is possible that I may have forgotten some details about my day yesterday. However, I do know I didn't forget about the food I ate! That's what the pictures are for! Yet another reason why the photos beat writing the food down in a notebook each day.

Yesterday morning was a virtual repeat of the morning before. Me - sleeping. Day off. Daughter's last day home. Husband- waking me up to see if I'm driving him to work. The deal is if I'm off and want the car I gotta drive him. If I don't want the car he takes it to work. Fair enough. Because I wanted the car, I woke up, rolled out of bed, got dressed, put a hat on, and made a piece of toast to eat on the way.

I promised myself I'd have yogurt and cereal as soon as I got home. So I did.

Shortly after, my daughter was still lying around in her pj's and not looking motivated to go anywhere, so I decided to head to Burnaby Hit in an effort to get my workouts in this week. On this morning it was Lisa and despite being really busy showing new potential members around, she still had time to push me into giving it my all! Thirty minutes and a red face later, I was on my way back home to spend my last girlie day with my daughter before her trip.

Once I got home, I showered, she showered and we got ready to go. We decided to go to Richmond Center and do some shopping while we waited for my hubby to get off work. Plus, he had forgotten his meds at home and I thought I'd be a nice wife and bring it to him. Of course my daughter wanted to pick up McDonald's for lunch on the way (and to bring some to her dad). After eating garbage and feeling sick to my stomach the day before, there was no way I was doing the same again so soon! McDonald's fries is the only thing I eat there and they are the sort of food that seems like it will be a really good and yummy choice but ends up being gross. So I prepped myself to not be tempted and made this.

It worked! Strawberries, grapes, watermelon and almonds was enough to satisfy me and deter me from McD's. When we eventually got to the mall we shopped around and my daughter bought a new purse for her trip. I love shopping with my daughter!

The downside of shopping was walking through the food court. The smell made me so hungry! AND there was a Starbucks there! I managed to make in through without giving in. My daughter and I finished shopping, picked up my hubby and went home for dinner. And while I cooked, I had a glass of wine.

As mentioned, for my daughter's last meal at home before going on her vacation, she requested homemade mac' n cheese. This recipe is our family's favourite mac 'n cheese recipe. I HATE the taste of processed cheese, especially velveeta, so this is a great choice in terms of yummy mac n' cheese without that gross stuff in it. The bad news is that I'm sure it's not good for the waistline. So I made sure that I only had a salad sized plate!

And that was it for eating yesterday. After dinner, me and my daughter packed her suitcase and I pouted a lot. We snuggled lots and went to bed early 'cause we had an early morning coming up!

Start today. 5:30am my alarm went off. Gross. But I had to get up, get ready for work, get my chicklet up, get her ready for her trip, and go! I was SO completely stressed and didn't even consider eating before I left home. But I did however want my caffeine fix NOW, so we stopped at Starbucks on the way. I had my soy chai latte. My daughter had a breakfast sandwich. My hubby had a cinnamon dolce latte. Everyone was happy.

We drove to the airport and I felt like throwing up the whole way. My anxiety was seriously through the roof. I'm gonna miss her!! And she's flying alone. And she's going for 3 weeks. And she's driving all over the countryside. I'm surprised I didn't make my hubby turn the car around, say forget it and book off the rest of the summer to stay home with her at this point!

But we managed to get there, my girl was brave, and my husband won major brownie points for letting me go through the gates with her (we could only get one gate pass to bring her through and wait with her). And away she went. I miss her already!

Off to work I went, in a pouty faced mood. I had roughly 2.5 hours to wait until she landed and my anxiety wasn't going to give until she arrived in Winnipeg and was with my dad safe and sound. Lunch time rolled around and I realized that I hadn't yet eaten, and forgot to pack a lunch so I headed up Robson Street to Junsei River Sushi restaurant  and ordered a lunch special to go. My phone didn't leave my hand the whole time, just in case my daughter or dad called.

Lunch was tofu teriyaki, kappa maki, rice and miso soup. I went back to the office with my food to find out that my office building was evacuated. Fun. *insert eye roll here* I'm still not sure what happened but the firetrucks arrived and we all stood around outside for what felt like forever. Eventually we were allowed back in and I couldn't help it anymore...I called my dad's cell. Her flight was to have landed 20 minutes ago at this point! My daughter answered and said she was there safe and sound and was going to call me when they got to my dad's girlfriend's house. After talking to her, I could finally I dug in to my lunch. I ate about half the miso soup, four of the sushi rolls, all the tofu teriyaki and about 1/2 of the rice. Apparently I was hungry!

The food, combined with all the water I drank throughout the day, managed to keep me full until after my evening program. My hubby picked me up, we went home and I was exhausted. The absolute last thing I felt like doing was making dinner. I had nothing planned. So I took the easy way out and reheated leftover mac 'n cheese. A salad size plateful.

And I had a glass of wine with it for good measure. It was a rough day!

After dinner, my hubby and I called our daughter to say good night. I'm thinking that we are going to call her so much that she won't have a chance to miss us because she'll be so annoyed haha!

And that's my eating day. Watched Big Brother. Did my blog. Going to bed. The plan is to squeeze in Burnaby Hit in the morning to make my 3x/week workout goal. We'll see how it goes!

And finally - thank you so much for the people that read this blog! Especially the ones who wonder where my post is when I don't do one. Your interest is what helps motivate me to continue!!

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