Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today made me angry!

I woke up this morning, walked into the kitchen, looked at all the dirty dishes (we've been slacking around here) and decided that washing dishes first thing in the morning was the absolute LAST thing I wanted to do, so skipped breakfast. No clean bowls? Fine. I'm not eating then. (That was my really mature moment - and mostly I blamed my husband for the dishes not being done). 

Thank god it was Starbucks day today. The soy chai latte hit the spot, somehow made me less cranky (this may have been in my head), and likely got me through the rest of my day. Magic little drinks those $4.65 Starbucks soy chai lattes. Even though I shouldn't blame my husband for there not being any clean bowls, particularly since I'm the one that dirtied all the bowls with my soups and salads and cereal, I was not being rational this morning, so I blamed him anyway. However, he drove me all the way to work today with the result being that I didn't have to deal with public he redeemed himself in my crazy little head. (Side note - ladies - I know YOU all understand the kind of day I was having).

When I got to work, I realized that the result of my morning 'no clean bowls' tantrum was that I was REALLY hungry. So I ate a banana.

Then I struggled to do work I really didn't feel like doing....writing a report. It is so hard to work when you REALLY don't feel like it. All I wanted to do was go home to bed! Instead, I somehow got through my morning...painfully looking at the clock about every 5 minutes to see if it was lunch time yet.

Finally....noon! So I ate.

Leftover chickpea-wheatberry salad was lunch today. Surprised? As if I was going to MAKE something with the dishes dirty! *Insert eye roll here*. I'm just kidding...I actually planned for this! The salad was as good as it was yesterday, so I have no complaints about lunch.

After I ate, I walked to the bank and did some other errands before returning to work. I felt in a better frame of mind...somehow walking does that for me. I was able to focus better in the afternoon, but took a break for a snack. Mary's crackers and hummous!

I find these seriously addicting. I was still hungry though so I ate my sliced up nectarine as well.

I did some more work and then prepped for the evening part of my shift. My regular program was cancelled tonight so that I could do individual interviews. I was starting to feel a bit better, knowing that the evening would fly by with back to back interviews...then, I'd be on my way to celebrate my weekend - I have Fridays off!

Tonight, I had interviews planned from 5 - 8:30 pm. The purpose was to review a particular assignment the guys in the group had to complete. Let me tell you how it went. Interview #1 (5:00): Individual shows up, homework not complete. Actually he had two things due, one which was already late and he came with neither of them done. Fantastic. Interview # 1: rescheduled.  Interview #2 (5:30): No show. No call. No nothing. Great. Interview #2: Needs to be rescheduled at some point, if I ever hear from the guy again. At this point, I started eating my trail mix.

Interview #3 (6:00): Individual shows up 5 minutes late. He also has not completed his homework, so we couldn't do the interview. However, he needed to complete a separate makeup session, so we did that instead. Interview #3: Not a complete waste of time like the previous two, but still needs to be rescheduled. Sigh. Interview #4 (7:00): Individual shows up, on time, homework not complete. This just keeps getting better. This individual gets new sheet as he claims he lost his and works on it during interview time. However, Interview #4: still needs to be rescheduled because he doesn't have time to complete it before Interview #5 arrives. At this point I want to scream, but eat more trail mix instead. Interview #5 (7:30): Arrives on time. Because I'm not frustrated enough, he tells me that his homework is complete, but that he didn't bring it because he didn't realize we are supposed to review it during this interview. I count to 10, tell myself I love my job, think about what I'm going to buy with my next pay cheque and reschedule Interview #5. I then call interview #6 (supposed to be at 8:00) to see if he can come in early so I don't have to sit around doing nothing for 30 minutes. He informs me he has been ordered to go do a random urinalysis test (I work with parolees) and cannot guarantee he can be back for our appointment by 8:00. Interview #6: rescheduled. Yep. This is my life.

I tried telling myself to

but there was nothing appropriate around for me to hit. So instead I calmly called my husband and asked him to come get me before I threw a temper tantrum. *Insert swear word here.* Thankfully, my hubby is a pretty quick driver and a pretty good read of when I need rescuing, so he came and saved me.

After my husband picked me up from work, I totally needed to de-stress. Beating Bob wasn't an option, so I opted to go for a sunset seawall stroll with my husband. We decided to eat street food on the way. Jealous? :-P

 He had a chicken schwarma wrap and I had a falafel wrap. Yummy, messy and filling! I ate about 3/4 of mine and gave up. Eating street food and wearing white pants doesn't go well together!

My hubby and I walked 'til it got dark and then headed home. I loved tonight. It beat the pants of the rest of today. When I got home I kept the good times coming and got rid of my chocolate cravings with a protein bar.

Which I followed with tonight's episode of Big Brother and a glass of Merlot. Thank you husband for the Merlot. You have now won major brownie points and I am no longer mad at you whatsoever for the dirty dishes that were not your fault anyway.

There. Now I feel better. Thank god it's my Friday and I'm off tomorrow. I'm totally going to vent some frustrations at Burnaby Hit tomorrow morning! But for now...I'm going to bed before any thing else happens!! 

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