Friday, August 31, 2012

My daughter's home!!

I woke up on time this morning and needed to make sure I started my day off better than yesterday. So I had some Kashi cereal with raspberry yogurt this am. 

I'm officially out of cereal now though, so I'm going to have to get creative tomorrow morning! I threw some snacks and leftover soup in my bag and took off for work. I absolutely could not wait to get today over and done with 'cause tonight my baby was coming home!!

On my way to work - a Starbucks soy chai latte. It's Thursday!

Work went by so fast today. Partially because I was so focused on tonight. Partially because I've been so jam packed with interviews lately that they days fly by! I had no opportunity to have a morning snack because I was so busy and next thing I knew it was lunch time. And on that note, I heated up some leftover minestrone soup.

You should make this soup. It's so yummy!

Another interview and some other menial tasks and my work day was over. But before I could get out the door, my mom called to let me know that my daughter was on the plane, on her way home. Unfortunately she gave me a small heart attack first. Why? Because she was crying so hard when she called me I thought something horrible had happened!! Being my sympathetic self, I told my mom that if she was going to have a breakdown when I sent my daughter there, I'd have to reconsider furture trips. And because she knows my sense of humour, she stopped crying and laughed instead. This was all a part of my plan ;-)

Today I was so busy, distracted and excited to see my daughter that I didn't even think about food. This also meant I didn't eat any of my snacks that I packed. Instead, I got off work and sped to my husband's work, anxious to get to the airport. However, in all my enthusiasm I didn't realize it would only take me about 15 minutes to get to my husband's work, which also meant that I arrived there about half an hour early. So, I sat in the car, talked to my mom again, played on my phone (what did we do without technology?) and waited...rather impatiently.

After what seemed like hours, but was really only about 25 minutes, my hubby arrived in the car. And with him...a sign.

My husband loves to embarrass our daughter. Cute huh?

When we got to the airport, we were both HUNGRY. I knew that my daughter ate before getting on the plane and so probably wouldn't want dinner, so my hubby and I opted for airport food. I chose food from Jugo Juice. I thought that compared to some of  the other options (A&W, Burger King, Flying Wedge etc) it would be a 'healthyish' option.

I had a paradise C smoothie and a veggie snack wrap. It wasn't a lot of food, but it did it's job and filled me up. Either that or I was just too excited to eat!!

After forcing some food down, my hubby and I went to the gate where she would be arriving and waited. And waited. And waited. It freakin' took forever for her to get through customs! But suddenly we looked up and around the corner she came...walking next to the flight attendant supervising her and with a great big smile! At this point my husband started wildly waving the sign around, jumping up and down and yelling "over's dad!" at the top of his lungs. He's a loud man. And my daughter's face turned bright red, but she couldn't help but laugh and smile more. Then the flight attendant asked her if she knew these people. Apparently he's a funny guy too!

After numerous squeezes and a zillion I love you, I missed yous, we finally headed to the car. Nineteen dollars later (parking at the airport is freakin' expensive) we made our way home. Upon arriving home, I was hungry again, so I had a protein bar to kill the chocolate craving.

My daughter then put on a fashion show for us with all her cool shopping finds. It's pretty unfair that my 11 year old daughter has Vera Wang shoes and I don't. We cuddled on the couch (I'm so happy she's home!!), watched some TV and then it was bed time. Speaking of which...that's really where I should be! So goodnight for now...I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with some better thought out food choices!

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