Saturday, September 1, 2012

Guess who's Burnaby Hit's Member of the Month??


Here's the write up! The posting really says it all. I'm so proud of myself for this accomplishment. I've noticed the improvement in myself since joining, but it's always a great feeling when someone else acknowledges your hard work :-D

And now that I got the highlight of my day yesterday posted, on to my eats. Yesterday was my day off, but as per usual on Fridays my hubby worked. I was supposed to drive him to work, but was feeling lazy. I didn't want to get up. Because he's a pretty nice guy, he decided to just catch the bus and leave me with the car. About 5 minutes after he left I felt kind of guilty...after all, he woke up to drive me to Color Me Rad a few weekends ago when it was his day off.... So, I hopped out of bed, threw on some jogging pants, put my hair in a ponytail and I drove after him. Luckily I caught him a few blocks away...he was surprised. And thankful!

After dropping him off at work, I drove home. My stomach told me I was hungry pretty much the whole way. When I got home, I made a piece of toast. The usual - multigrain bread from Cobb's with a bit of butter.

I was out of cereal, didn't have time to make oatmeal 'cause I wanted to make it to Burnaby Hit, and didn't have what I needed for a breakfast toast it was!

I then made myself look semi-presentable and went to Burnaby Hit. You might wonder why I cared what I looked like to go to the gym. Well the answer is BECAUSE I WAS MEMBER OF THE MONTH AND NEEDED MY PIC TAKEN!! When I got there, Teri took my pic and gave me one of my prizes - a 30 minute hit water bottle.

The second part of the prize is a tank top, but they're fresh out of size small so I'll get that one in a week or so. Can't wait! After making my way through the circuit with plenty of encouragement from Teri and a mysterious blast of Bob beating energy at the end, I left Burnaby Hit with a huge smile on my face and great feeling of accomplishment! So obviously when I went home, I celebrated with one of my protein bars!

After I ate my bar, it was time to shower. Then, my daughter and I decided to head out to do some shopping. I made the mistake of asking her what she'd like for lunch and she chose the obvious kid choice. McDonald's. So, we hit up the drive-through. My daughter got a kid's meal chicken snack wrap. I got a side garden salad with their Asian dressing and crispy wontons.

And since we are awesome like that we also picked up a bacon cheeseburger for my hubby and dropped it off for him at work. Right out side of his office building is a nice little water fountain with some benches so my daughter and I decided to eat there.  It would've been peaceful and relaxing if it weren't for the fact that three hornets decided to join us for lunch AND I have a huge hornet phobia. So, our relaxing lunch turned into me running around the benches like a maniac and almost knocking my daughter into the water fountain. I eventually was able to save our food from the hornets and we (I) decided it would be safer for everyone to eat the rest of our lunch in the car. Good times.

After our eating our lunch, we decided to hit up Richmond Center. We browsed around a bunch of store, but didn't buy much. It was a success though, 'cause it killed time until we needed to pick up my husband from work again. The three of us went home and my daughter and I shared a little snack.

Hummous with Mary's Organic Crackers. Mmmm....yummy.

I then poured myself a glass of wine and started working on dinner.

My daughter's request for her first meal home was mac'n cheese. So I 'cheffed' it up.

Note my salad sized portion. After we ate dinner, we all sat down and watched a movie - Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. I know...what the hell?? It's a PG-13 movie about 14 year old girls obsessing over boys and 'snogging' (British term for kissing). My daughter giggled like nobody's business and watched the kissing scenes between her fingers which were over her eyes. I'm definitely going to miss moments like these when she's all grown up!

And that was my eating day and night. After the movie, my daughter went to bed and my husband and I followed shortly after. Pretty exciting Friday nights up in this household. But that's okay 'cause I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

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