Sunday, September 16, 2012

The pity party, part one

The pity party part one.

My Thursday didn't actually start as a pity started quite well. I got up early and made myself and my daughter a breakfast smoothie.

And we had some mulitgrain toast with it. Mine had butter. Her's had peanut butter and jam.

After breakfast, I helped her get organized and dropped her off for her morning cross country team practice. Proud of her! Maybe we will be able to run together soon :-)

I went back home and pulled out my work laptop and made some progress on a report with a looming deadline. I got a good few hours of work done on it and decided to get ready and do the second half of my Thursday day shift at my office. First, a Starbucks soy chai latte for the ride...

I should also note that before I left for work, I made some time to throw together some lunch items for myself. Nothing fancy, but once I got myself organized at work and started making progress on my report, I took a quick break and ate my lunch.

Sliced strawberries, grapes and raspberries with some marble cheese on Mary's organic crackers.  I'm not usually big on eating cheese, it's actually kind of rare for me. Don't get me wrong, I have cheese melted on stuff, but don't usually eat it in slices. But, I figured that it would help get some protein into my diet. We'll see if it becomes a regular occurrence or not.

Shortly after my lunch, the tone of my day changed. For the worse. I got bad news  :-(

Long story short, in July I had signed a one year contract at Vancouver Parole and unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control, it was looking like my contract might have to be cancelled in 30 days and if that happened I'd have to go back to my owned position at the prison in Abbotsfort. F@*k! This caught me completely off-guard and I was in total shock when I found out. I had literally just got a new schedule approved by my boss at Vancouver Parole allowing me to have the ability to pick up my daughter from school. Which means I took her out of daycare. And now, in 30 days I might not be able to pick her up from school anymore. Did I say F@*k yet? This might mean I have to find someone (another parent at the school perhaps?) to pick my daughter up after school. Sigh...why is everything in my life always so difficult??!! I was told that there is a possibility that my contract might be able to be saved, so fingers crossed that it works out so that I can stay!!

I was frustrated beyond belief and super upset with the situation, so I opted to go home for the rest of the afternoon. My head was spinning! Plus, I had to go back in a few hours to do my program this evening. Ugghh....and this is where the pity party technically begins. I stopped at Starbucks again on the way home and had my SECOND soy chai latte of the day. AND I forgot to take a picture of it. But I drank it. Every last sip. And I contemplated quitting my job and becoming a stay at home mom. Right - right after I win the million in the lottery. Plus I do really like my job. I was just frustrated. So I called my mom. She always makes me feel better. And between her and my husband they reminded me that things usually have a way of working out. I sure hope so!

I then picked my daughter up from school and gave her a big hug. I'm really loving this momma-chicklet time after school and i REALLY don't want to give it up :-(

We hung out together and she told me about her day.  I made her a grilled cheese sandwich and she got herself ready for dance. I didn't feel like eating. I dropped her off and went back to work to do my program. Somehow, despite the zillion things going through my mind, I managed to get through it. 

On the way home, I was hungry and knew I needed to eat something. I stopped in at Safeway because I still hadn't had time to go grocery shopping. I walked to the chip aisle and grabbed taco chips. And salsa. Then I walked to the dairy section and bought shredded tex mex cheese because somehow shredding my own cheese sounded like way too much work.Then I went home and made nachos.

And my daughter and I ate them while we sat on the kitchen floor working on her campaign poster for student council. (Note: somehow I forgot to include that detail on yesterday's of my other errands was to go to Michael's with my daughter to get the craft supplies she needed and then once we got home I helped her cut out her letters to glue on the poster board). Tonight's task was for her to get her poster done 'cause she had to hand it in the next morning. Task accomplished! She did a great job and even though I might be a bit biased, I definitely think that she has the coolest looking poster ever....Did I mention she did a great job?!

My chicklet stayed up late working on her poster, so she went to bed the second it was done. And then I felt sorry for myself some more and had a glass of wine. 

I'm fairly certain that the glass would have been fuller and probably refilled if I didn't use up the last of it when I made this drink. And obviously I needed an oatmeal cookie to go with it.

And then at some point after that, I went and laid down in bed. Note that I didn't say 'went to bed' and that I said 'laid down'. My mind was going crazy and I was obsessing over different options. I was so stressed. Eventually I got to sleep, but it was sometime into the next day for sure. End pity party part one.

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