Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lack of planning...

Thursday morning, I made an effort to get off to a good start so I had some Kashi honey almond flax cereal with strawberry yogurt. Yum....

Everyone managed to get out of the house on time and my daughter made it to her early morning cross-country running practice. I even had time to throw some food items in my bag to eat today. Of course I stopped at Starbucks for my Thursday soy chai latte.

I got to work and had some meetings scheduled. I was happy because my report was finished so I had a day to take a break from writing. Unfortunately I'm going to have to get started on my next report in a day or two though...sigh...

In the meantime, I enjoyed my report writing free work day and ate some strawberries...

...followed by eight Mary's organic rice crackers and sliced marble cheese...

...and a banana!

That was lunch! I worked some more in the afternoon, then headed home. But not before having a near heart-attack. I had made arrangements for my sister to pick up my daughter from school today and at the time she was supposed to be at the school, she called me to say she had missed her bus. S#*t!!! I immediately called the school and had them page my daughter to the office so that she could sit and wait the 10-15 minutes until my sister got there. In the meantime, I tried to get a hold of my dad to see if he could drive to get my daughter from school if he was back from the Island....but couldn't reach him. Next thing you know, my sister texts me to say she's running up the street to my daughter's school so I felt a bit more relaxed...until I got a text 2 minutes later saying "Shan I'm at the office but your daughter's not here". What??!! Panic mode set in. I quickly texted my dad again to ask him to immediately drive to her school since he had just texted me to say he was back from the Island. I also called the school to tell them to page her again, but they let me know that they already had and my daughter was now safe and sound with my sister...she hadn't heard the first page. Sigh! Panic mode for nothing. Near heart attack for nothing.

Between my dad and my sister, I now knew my daughter was getting picked up from school, so I just went straight home. When I got there, I had a mad chocolate craving (probably from the stress) so ate a protein bar.

That took care of that!

Dinner was undecided, I had to get back to work in the evening for my program, my daughter had to get to her dance class and my dad and his girlfriend had plans visiting her family this evening.  Suddenly it seemed super convenient if we all just grabbed dinner to go. So that's what we did. I ended up with Indian takeout. Chickpea curry, salad with balsamic dressing and some curried potatoes.

It was good, but I wasn't thrilled with having eaten out AGAIN. Sigh. At least I didn't mow down the entire over-sized portion. Maybe half at max.

I went to my program, taught it, had a great group and headed home. On the way, I grabbed my husband dinner (he worked late and came home to no dinner 'cause we ate out so I felt guilty) and also grabbed some hay for my guinea pig.

Once I arrived home, I relaxed with my family and had a glass of wine.

And that was it for my eats/drinks on Thursday. Started off strong and ended kind of weak. I KNOW that I need to get organized for dinners/lunches. I HAVE to plan some meals, make a list and do a grocery store run so that I can stay on track. But when?? Friday night the plan was to go out for dinner with my dad, his girlfriend and my sister. Maybe Saturday? But Saturday is my dad's last night here. Sunday? Who knows. Stay tuned to find out if I get my crap together and start eating good again...!!

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