Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Friday morning started off well. I got up easily, had some time to spare and made myself a breakfast smoothie.

Then me and my smoothie headed to work. Halfway through my morning, I needed a snack, so I had a granola bar.

It worked. It had pumpkin seeds, cranberries, flax seed and almonds in it. It was good and it carried me a few hours more until lunch. Today, lunch consisted of leftovers from yesterday's takeout Indian food. Chickpea and potato curry with rice...

Followed by Mary's Organic rice crackers and hummous.

Okay. Let's face it. That was a carbaholic lunch. Oops. But hey, there's some protein in hummous right? Somehow all those carbs got me through my afternoon without making me too tired. I had interviews all afternoon, which are one of my favourite parts of my job. My last interview went longer than expected...good thing my dad was with my daughter otherwise I would've stressed about staying late at work! But since my daughter was safe and sound, I took my time getting home. When I got there, I had a protein bar 'cause I needed a snack to hold me over until dinner.

Tonight's plans were a family night out for dinner at one of my favourite restaurants...Anton's! I went and picked up my husband from work and he and I met my dad, his girlfriend, my daughter and my sister there. If you know Anton's, you know there is ALWAYS a lineup outside and it takes forever to get in. That being said, the pasta is worth it! Plus, because my hubby and I met everyone there, they already had a spot in line, so we didn't have to wait long once we arrived.

Once seated, our drinks were ordered and I had some cab-merlot.

We ordered our meals and while we waited for our entrees, they gave us fresh buns. I had one bun. I couldn't help it. I have a weakness for bread...especially fresh bread.

My husband ordered a house salad appetizer and insisted I try the dressing (he raved about it when he went a week or so ago). He was right - it was good! But to be honest, I prefer more vinaigrette style dressings and this was more creamy. It didn't stop me from eating it though, the flavour was great!

By the time I got through my salad, my wine glass was ready for a refill. At this point, I remembered the last time I overdid the wine (you know, when my lovely husband took pics of me passed out in the car for my blog) and decided I should probably slow down a bit. Then I reminded myself that I was putting lots of food in my tummy while I drank so it would probably all work out better.  So I refilled my glass.

Shortly after my refill, dinner arrived. Look how HUGE the portions are!

I ordered Penne Alla Greca which is pasta with artichokes, sun dried tomatoes & feta cheese in a garlic white wine sauce. It's one of three pasta dishes I rotate between when I come here. But no matter how delicious the pasta is I never can (and probably never will) eat everything on my plate. There's enough food there for breakfast, lunch and dinner for two days. As such, here's my after photo.

Guess what I'll be having for lunch tomorrow?

After our wonderful meal (thanks Dad), we all headed home. When I got there, I found a surprise! Two more Lolita wine glasses for my collection! Now I have six! Thanks again Dad (and dad's girlfriend)!!

Since it was Friday, and I was relaxing at home with my family after a long week, it only seemed fitting to have one more glass of wine...in my brand new TGIF glass of course!. Perfect end to a great day. I'm gonna miss my dad when he goes back to Winnipeg!

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