Saturday, September 8, 2012

Minimal eats Friday...

Yesterday I really didn't have much of an appetite. I thought it was the heat, but now I think it was my body getting sick. In the morning I really had to drag my butt out of bed, which was surprising 'cause I had gone to bed early the night before and got plenty of sleep. When I finally got out of bed It was a bit of mad rush to get my daughter (also not a morning person) out the door for school in time. Once I dropped her off, I made my way home (last Friday off) and started thinking about breakfast. I looked in my fridge and saw that I still had some leftover cooked wheatberries that needed using, so I google searched a recipe for 'wheatberry breakfasts'. I came up with this recipe...and I'm glad I did!

I quartered the recipe since it was only for me and the only other change I made was I used almond milk instead of regular or soy. I will definitely make this again. It's basically oatmeal, but the added texture from the wheatberries and almonds made it way better!

The rest of the morning was spent tidying up, walking to the grocery store and going to Subway to get my daughter a sub for lunch. After I dropped it off for her, I went home and thought about lunch for myself. Like I said earlier, I wasn't very hungry so decided to just throw together a bit of this and that. Here's what I came up with.

Sliced up pear, blueberries, carrots and Mary's organic rice crackers with hummus. It filled me up and I was satisfied knowing that I had a bit of protein with breakfast and with lunch (the hummus). I didn't do too much in the afternoon outside of catching up on my blogging. Next thing I knew it was time to pick up my daughter from school. She greeted me with a great big smile and told me she got the teacher she wanted and basically all her school friends in her class. She was extra excited to tell me that her new teacher's policy is to NOT give out homework on the weekends which is fantastic because last year's teachers WAY overdid the homework. She was also thrilled to tell me about the first school dance for grade 6 next Friday which equals excitement for her and grey hair for her day. Either way...fingers crossed for a great school year!!

When we got home from her school, I started feeling sick. It basically came out of no where. The icky head cold/dizzy/tired type of sick. Great. I had planned for pizza dinner tonight, so I sucked it up and made the homemade dough. I made too much dough though so attempted bread sticks with the leftover.

My pizza had peppers, mushrooms and onions and my husband's/daughter's had the same plus pepperoni. I took one bite of my breadstick and couldn't do it...too much bread. I did somehow manage to eat all my pieces of pizza, which wasn't too hard because it was thin crust and delicious.

After dinner, I decided to try to go for a run. I was a bit hesitant because I wasn't feeling great, but was pretty set on keeping up with my training schedule. I waited until it was starting to get dark, so I could run in the cool air instead of the heat. Today's plan was to run 15 mins, walk 2 mins, and then run 15 mins more. Somehow I managed to do it, and made it 5.2km in the 32 minutes. Yay me!

When I got home, I had a super big glass of water followed by a protein bar...

....and a glass of wine!

And then...I was beat. And my head felt fuzzy (not from the wine). So I took a tylenol, laid on the couch and watched TV. Two PVR'd episodes of Master Chef followed by an episode of Mob Wives. Good times. Somehow I made it to midnight and decided that I desperately needed that hopefully I would feel better in the morning and make it to Burnaby Hit! And that's the end of my Friday. Exciting huh? :-P

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