Sunday, September 2, 2012

Saturday - a stroll and a plan

Yesterday morning I woke up and decided I was going to go for a walk. A long walk. But before I went for a long walk I needed to put something in my stomach. I opted for multigrain toast.

I then sent my husband for a haircut and he brought our daughter with him for company. I grabbed a Starbucks soy chai latte and started on my walk.

All in all I walked 7.1km. I walked from my house in North Burnaby to Lougheed Mall. I had some shopping to do! And my hubby and chicklet met me there after his haircut. I'd like to say that I shopped for myself. But I didn't. Instead, I back-to-school shopped for my daughter. School shorts, runners and a few Walmart items later and I had everything I set out to buy. My husband gets frustrated with me 'cause I never want to spend money on myself  and when I do always feel guilty. So I made a plan. I went into Bootlegger and tried on a black pair of Guess skinny jeans. They were $150 and looked amazing on the shelf. I crossed my fingers that they would look just as good on me. The verdict? They looked pretty damn good if I don't say so myself! So you're probably wondering if I bought them then? The answer is no. Partly because the cost $150 and I wasn't prepped to spend that amount today. But mostly because there's a few more inches I want to lose around my hips, and I thought these jeans would be a pretty good prize for working towards the body I want! So I now have my eyes on the prize and am going to work my butt off to meet my goals. Nothing like a little motivator right?

After shopping, we came home and I celebrated my long walk with a protein bar.

And because that wasn't enough to fill my tummy I also had some blueberries.

I filled up the rest of my afternoon with some laundry and cleaning. I sent my husband on an errand to get some propane for the BBQ. We were out and the sun was shining...BBQ weather! I figured we should take advantage before rainy season is upon us. And if you've been following this blog, you know that for me BBQ = Vodka coolers.

Or, in this case Vodka cooler. Not plural.

On the menu tonight was burgers. For my husband, two homemade beef burgers with cheese and bacon. For my daughter a veggie burger with bacon (I know, I know) and a cheese smokie. For me, a veggie burger. And on the side for all of us...potato salad.

I've tried a few times to make homemade potato salad and just can't seem to nail the right potato texture. So, I went in search of yummy store bought potato salad. Good news! I found some! So now when we get a potato salad craving, we go to Clancy's Meats and get their potato salad. Creamy with red potatoes and good! But not cheap.

After dinner, we sat down together and had another movie night. Saturday night's choice was Hunger Games. My daughter had already seen it when I blindly brought her to the movie theatre to see it not having a clue what it was about. Since she had already seen it once, I figured a second time wouldn't make a difference. The nice thing is, as disturbing as the story line is, it prompted a lot of good conversation. My favourite was when she said "mom, why do those guys call themselves peacekeepers if they aren't peaceful and only help the rich people". Great question kiddo!

And while we watched our movie we had popcorn.

There's no before and after because the after was a straight up empty bowl. I don't know exactly how much I ate, but the popcorn was shared with the three of us, so I'm going with 1/3. And I'm okay with that! After all, I can't deprive myself ALL the time...that would be a recipe for failure/disaster for sure!

And that was my eating day. After the movie, my daughter went to bed and I worked on a plan. More specifically, I worked on a training plan. My goal is to be able to run 10km. I also have a goal of fitting into those Guess skinny jeans and looking the way I want to when I wear them. Part of what I teach in my program is that goals must be SMART. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time framed. So I made sure my training goals met that criteria. I'll post my training plan on a later date. But for now, I'll share that the plan is to be able to run 10 km by December 22 (and to buy those jeans right around that time)...which gives me roughly 3.5 months. I needed to give myself some extra time because to be honest, my running has fallen on the wayside since Color Me Rad. I tried to figure out why that is, and the most likely reason I could come up with is that I was running regularly before because I was training for Color Me Rad...and working towards a specific goal. Which is why I came up with this new goal of running 10km. I'll keep you updated on my progress. Speaking of which...Sunday is day 1! Go me!

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