Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lots of little bits and lack of dinner and exercise

Tuesday morning I was feeling better. Finally. I was still stuffy, but not dizzy and tired. Basically, I was ready to function normally. Yay. I decided to attempt to start my day off right. I STILL hadn't gone for  a big grocery shop, so naturally still didn't have much in terms of breakfast foods in my house. So I opted to make a breakfast smoothie and a piece of toast.

This worked out well for both me and my daughter because she joined the cross country team at school meaning that she has to be at school 45 minutes early to practice with her team. This also means that she has minimal time for breakfast. She's not a morning person to start with and even less so now that she has to wake up earlier! Hmmm...likes cross country running and hates mornings. Sound like anyone you know? Like mother like daughter I guess haha!! Anyway, the smoothie worked for breakfast on the run for both of us. It has frozen mixed berries, blueberry greek yogurt, almond milk, flax seed, ice cubes, banana and a squirt of honey. Yum..... It didn't even take long to make because I threw everything in the blender, hopped in the shower, pushed the blend button when I got out of the shower and drank it while I got ready. Perfect!

After dropping my chicklet off at her practice (I was more or less on my own today for parenting because my husband was at home sick in bed), I went to work.  Today was reporting writing during the day and group during the evening. I was exhausted all ready just thinking about it. Plus, I still wasn't feeling (or sounding as my boss pointed out) 100% better. So then I said "screw it, I'm having an oatmeal cookie for my midmorning snack - that will make me feel better". And I did.

And like I said yesterday, the cookies tasted about 18 times better today once they had cooled. They were so soft and die for! With my cookie, I had a Starbucks soy chai latte. Delicious and soothing on a sore throat!

Another hour or so staring at the computer screen made me hungry. So I decided to have an early lunch and heat up my lunch.

As you can see it was half of my leftover stuffed acorn squash. This reheated nicely and the flavours were still good the next day. I was impressed because I was worried that the quinoa would be soggy reheated in the microwave the next day. Not a problem though!

For my lunch time dessert? 

Ten raspberries and ten slices of strawberry. I satisfied my craving for something sweet while managing to remain healthy in my food choice. Score!

More typing, a bit of lesson prepping and a few conversations with coworkers later, it was time to go get my daughter from school. Traffic was really good, so I made it to my neck of the woods in record time and had time to stop in and check on my husband at home quickly before making my way to my daughter's school. Turns out that he was on the couch and felt well enough to come for the ride to pick up our daughter...nice surprise! She got to be picked up from both her parents. Because you know every tween girl is dying to have both her parents show up at school to pick her up haha! We behaved well though...and stayed in the car ;-)

When we got back home, my daughter told me about her day at school. She ran the whole practice. Proud of you girl! While basked in pride, I ate some hummus and Mary's organic crackers.

And then I made hot chicken sandwiches with gravy and fries on the side for my family for dinner. I didn't have the time or creative energy to think of anything to make for myself, so I downed a few fries to hold me over until after my group.

Note the small sized plate okay? Please! Although fries weren't a great choice, I didn't think it was too big a deal missing 'real' dinner because I wasn't very hungry after all my little snacks throughout the day.

Afterwards, I kissed my family goodbye, and went back to work. I made it to group, I made it through group uneventfully (always good) and then decided I needed another little snack before heading home. So I had some grapes and almonds. You guessed it! Ten of each. I'm not sure what my affinity to that number is, but it works for me somehow.

When I got home, it was around 8:30 and it was also pitch dark outside. How depressing is that? Fall is definitely here. The crappy thing about it being dark was that my plan was to try to ease back into my fitness routine by running after work like I had been since July.  Unfortunately that plan isn't going to work any more because I'm not down with running in the pitch black. This means I have one of two choices. Either I need to incorporate two rest days into my training schedule to accomodate the two evenings per week I work OR I'm going to have to run Tuesday mornings BEFORE I go to work. Ugghh....really? Sigh. I'll let you know what I decide. I REALLY hate mornings.

Because this whole realization depressed me, I figured I'd make myself feel better with a glass of wine.

Yep. Felt better. So much so that I decided one more little snack before bed wouldn't kill me since I didn't technically eat a dinner. So I made one more  piece of multigrain toast to eat before bed. You know...a bed time snack.

Don't worry. I won't be making this a habit. One thing for sure I know is that I don't want to reignite the old 'eating carbs like crazy in the evenings' habit. Especially on nights where I've had no exercise. Sheesh!

And that was my eating day. No exercise. Lots of snacking, some better than others. Lots of water too. Some family time. Work. Sleep. The plan? Wake up tomorrow and repeat (well some of it). Good night!

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