Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday and still sick :-(

I really didn't feel much better today. On the bright side, at least I wasn't nauseated...but head colds suck too. I could really do without feeling lightheaded, stuffed up and dizzy. My throat was still sore, I didn't have much of an appetite and I wanted only soft stuff. And warm stuff. So my husband did a Tim Horton's run and got me a small hot chocolate and a fruit explosion muffin.

After I ate this, I spent most of the rest of the morning and early afternoon napping on the couch. I was trying really hard to feel better because we were supposed to go out for dinner with friends tonight. At Anton's, which makes the most amazing pasta and is one of my favourite places to eat!

By the later afternoon I was starting to get hungry again so I reheated some of the soup my husband made me yesterday. 

It tasted really good the next day. It was soothing, warm on my throat and had a kick of spice to clear my sinuses a bit. Perfect!

Because I hate sitting around doing nothing all day, even when I'm sick, after my soup I started doing some easy stuff around the house...laundry. And besides clean clothes, all that doing laundry accomplished was making me more tired. So I rested on the couch some more. I was supposed to do a run today and it made me depressed knowing that there was no way I'd make it halfway around the block never mind 4km. So I pouted and ate a protein bar. Always room for chocolate flavoured stuff, even when I'm sick!

Four o'clock rolled around and my husband asked me if I decided whether I was coming for dinner or staying home. I REALLY wanted to go. But I just wasn't feeling up to it. Probably, it wouldn't have been very polite to share all my germs with my friends and all the other restaurant customers also. So I stayed home. By myself. And pouted some more while my family went out for dinner. Have I mentioned how much I hate being sick?!

I took some more cold medicine and while I pouted I laid on the couch with a blanket and watched more episodes of Real Housewives of New Jersey. What a train wreck! After my second episode, I heard my husband and daughter roll in the driveway. They came in the house and surprise! They brought me food. Anton's takeout! More specifically, linguine paesana. I love them.

I asked my husband to please pour me a little bit of wine to have with know, to clear my sinuses more ;-)

He came back with the above glass roughly half full. I then went and poured about half of what he gave me back into the bottle. There was no way I was going to be able to drink THAT much wine! And despite the fact that the food was amazing, I still really didn't have much of an appetite and still felt like garbage. So here's my after pic.

I put a small dent in it, but had plenty of leftovers for lunch Monday. And that was it for my food consumption today. My daughter played games on the computer for a bit then went to bed. I laid on the couch and watched TV with my husband. And then I went to bed around 10. A SUPER early bedtime for a night owl like myself. I hoped that extra sleep would make me feel better. I really wanted to be able to eat normal, feel normal and get back into my workout routine! Stay tuned....

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