Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday run day

Oh Sunday. The first day of my 10km run training plan. I woke up relatively early for a weekend morning mostly because I was excited to get started running again. I didn't want to fill my tummy up too much before I ran, but knew I needed to put something in there. So I settled for a banana.

Then off I went! Today's plan was to 'ease' back into running. I knew I was capable of running 5km, but hadn't done it in about two weeks. So today's plan was to run for 15 minutes, walk for 2 minutes, then run for 15 minutes more. And that's what I did...sort of. I ran the first 15 minutes and tried to shut my inner voice up because it was saying "stop, you can't do this, your legs are too tired, you can't breathe". Somehow I made it to my two minute walk...which went WAY too quickly. Next thing you know it was the second 15 minute run and I knew I was in trouble. But I tried anyway...and did not too bad! I ran about 10 more minutes. Walked about 1. Ran another 3. Walked 1. Ran 1 more minute. Then just about died!

Okay, so maybe that's a bit dramatic. I didn't almost die, but I was bright red, sweaty and BEAT. I was also a bit disappointed that I couldn't finish the second 15 minute run without walking. But then I reminded myself about 'realistic goals' and felt a bit better. Plus I remembered the following...

...and felt pretty darned satisfied with myself!

When I got home I did two things. First I ate a protein bar, 'cause my body was screaming for food.

Second, I mapped my run to see how far I made it in my 32 minutes. Any guesses? 5.19km! I can live with that :-D

I had a shower and decided to make breakfast for my family. I made bacon and eggs for my chicklet and my hubby...neither of which I eat. So for me...multigrain toast and blueberries. I didn't know what else to make!

After we ate, we decided to do a surprise shopping trip for my hubby followed by a walk downtown. My husband has been complaining about his jogging pants for the past few's his favourite weekend wear, and they were starting to get holes in them. So I brought him to Hollister to take advantage of the $18 sweat pant sale. Then, we walked up to Marble Slab Creamery on Denman St. This place is fantastic (but expensive). First you get to choose a flavour of ice cream from their many choices, then you get to choose mixins' to add to your flavour before eating it out of a waffle cone or bowl. My hubby had cheesecake ice cream with raspberries and graham crackers in a bowl. My daughter had french toast ice cream with cookie dough and brownie bits in a waffle bowl. My baby looked like this -

It was white chocolate ice cream with raspberries and slivered almonds in a waffle cone. Not that you can tell, but it was small sized. And it was damned good. My husband didn't even mind paying $20 for the three ice creams! After we ate our snack, we walked along the seawall, back to our car in Yaletown. We took our time and stopped for a picture here and there.

6.86km later and we were back at our car. My legs were sore and I couldn't wait to get home to RELAX. And relax I did...with a glass of vino!

And I chose a glass reminding me that I'm awesome! Because I can't sit still for too long, I made supper next, which for the record, I find long as the kitchen's clean (right hubby?). Tonight's menu was asparagus, salad and potatoes (for me) with home made chicken Kiev (for my family). I had never made Kiev was my momma's recipe...and I was nervous. I pounded out the chicken, wrapped and breaded it, then cooked it...and awaited the results. While I waited I made the potatoes (boiled, topped with fried onions and seasoning) and asparagus (sauteed with garlic and topped with Parmesan). I then decided that I was too lazy to chop all the veggies for salad and would just eat the stuff I already made. Here's how it all looked...

...and the taste test by my family was a success! The chicken Kiev received thumbs up from my husband and my daughter and the side dishes tasted good as always. I didn't bother with the salad sized plate since I was only eating potatoes and asparagus...and tried not to overdo it with the portion sizes.

And that was it for my eats yesterday. We hung around home in the evening, watched some TV and then went to bed. Not too exciting, but that's okay. I felt like I accomplished a lot today...after all I had walked/ran over km! A great start to meeting my running goals!

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