Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Running around like a crazy person...story of my life

Monday morning I did not want to get out of bed. I was still kind of sad. By the time I got out of bed, I needed to rush around like a crazy person in order to get out of the house on time. But I made it. And since I didn't have time to eat breakfast before running out the door, I packed some raspberry yogurt and Kashi honey almond flax cereal in containers to mix together and eat at work.

Halfway through my morning I felt like I needed a little snack so I ate a banana...

...which left me with the last thing I had time to throw in my bag. Almonds!

I ate them too while I did some work. Next thing I knew it was 1:30 and I realized I hadn't ate lunch. I also realized I hadn't packed lunch either. I needed something to put in my stomach and didn't feel like walking far to get food. So, I went downstairs to the Starbucks in the main floor of my building, exerted extreme amounts of self-control and ordered a multigrain bagel, toasted, with cream cheese.

The self-control was for the soy chai latte that I didn't have. Progress!

After work, I went to my daughter's school to pick her up. I parked the car on the side of the road and waited for my daughter to come out of her class...then realized it was the cross country meet today and I was supposed to be in the gym waiting to drive her (and anyone else that might need a ride) to the meet. Oops! I sped around the block (not really, it was a school zone), parked my car and ran to the gym. My daughter met me, changed her clothes and we were off to the cross country meet. As per usual I was a crazy mom who ran back and forth the length of the field so that I could cheer my daughter on at different check points. She did great! She paced herself, ran the whole run and saved a burst of energy for the end so she could pass a few people. Good girl...momma's proud of you xoxox!!!

Afterwards, I went home with my daughter and got ready for my evening. First up was Burnaby Hit. Then I needed to pick up my husband and do some running around/errands with him. Then the grocery store and eventually home for a late dinner. Too many things to do, not enough hours in the day. That seems to be my slogan. Sigh. My other slogan seems to be 'nothing ever goes smoothly' which fit well with the fact that my phone died as I was on my way out the door. Sigh again.

I made it to Burnaby Hit and got an excellent workout in. The gym was PACKED with a group of women giving it their all. I love the inspiring makes me want to push myself even harder! I continued to use some of the adaptations Teri showed me which meant that I was BEAT by the time I left. It felt good! When I got back to the car, I ate my protein bar that I had packed. I needed something to hold me over until I got back home!

I then went to pick up my husband, did a ton of running around and eventually made it back to my house. At this point I was starving, so I got busy making some dinner, right after I poured myself a glass of wine.

Luckily I had the forethought to throw together a chickpea salad earlier so that the flavours could marinate and it would be one less thing I had to do when I got home. I threw some potatoes in the oven along with some marinated greek chicken I had picked up along my travels. Some time passed and voila! Dinner was served.

At this point it was probably around 9pm, but hey, sometimes it can't be helped. At least our family ate together....

After we ate dinner, it was basically time for my daughter to get ready for bed. Not the ideal way for our evening to go, but it is what it is. I tucked my chicklet into bed, parked my butt on the couch, simultaneously watched trashy TV and responded to emails with my phone that now had battery power and then hit the hay myself shortly after. I was exhausted. Running around like a crazy person all day long is tiring okay? ;-)

Good night!

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