Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sweet, salty, pasta and drinks...the weekend!

Saturday morning started with a walk to Safeway with my dad and a soy chai latte.

When we got home I helped my daughter get organized to go out with my dad and his girlfriend to watch her nephew's hockey game. Shortly after they left, I headed out to Burnaby Hit to get my exercise on. Without a real breakfast. Oops. I was pretty sure I was going to regret that decision. Sarah was in today and she was great and encouraging as always! I threw some of the new exercise adaptations that Teri showed me last Wednesday into the mix and left feeling sore, exhausted and happy! Any guesses on what I did the second I got home?

Yep, that's right. Ate a  protein bar. I was freakin' starving!

Shortly after I got home, everyone else arrived back at my house too. We all had tons of leftovers from the pasta dinner at Anton's the night before, so to keep things simple, we all ate pasta leftovers for lunch.

Mine was in a small bowl. Really...there wasn't lots in it!!

After I ate, I remembered that today was the last day to register for a fundraiser Burnaby Hit was participating in...30 Minute Hit kicks the *&%! out of cancer!

What a great cause! I signed myself up and got busy working on fundraising. I want to fight cancer now, while I don't have to and in hopes that I or anyone I care about will never have to. I also want to fight for those who can't. Here's the link to my personal fundraising page if you want to would be much appreciated!

After lunch, we all got ourselves organized and decided to do some sightseeing. May as well take advantage of my dad and his girlfriend's last day in Vancouver! First stop was downtown where we went to take some pictures at the Olympic torch. Next stop was Stanley Park. We went up to Prospect Point, enjoyed some views and took some more pictures. We watched two brides get their photos done and waved at a cruise ship passing by. My chicklet had some ice cream but I refrained myself. And then we decided to hit up another part of Stanley Park. We drove up to Second Beach and parked the car, then walked along the seawall up to English Bay where we took some more pictures with the laughing men statues. Fun! We then walked back to the car and headed back home.

My dad and his girlfriend had dinner plans with her brother, so it was just me, my husband and my daughter for dinner tonight. I had no real dinner ideas planned, so I contemplated some options while I drank a glass of wine.

Turns out the wine didn't help me with creativity in meal planning. No one in my family was helping either...I got a bunch of "I don't knows" from them. So I gave up trying to come up with dinner ideas and opted to just reheat the rest of the pasta leftovers. Sigh.

That's right. Pasta for lunch. More pasta for dinner. Not well thought out clearly. I really have some work to do this week in terms of getting my eating back on track!

After dinner, my dad and his girlfriend arrived back home and packed up their stuff 'cause they were going home in the morning. After they packed up, we hung out together and after my daughter went to bed we watched a Russell Peters comedy show. In between laughs, I ate some Jalapeno-cheddar Doritos. Just a couple...

And after everyone else went to bed, just me and my dad hung out, had some long overdue daddy-daughter time accompanied by one more glass of wine (beer for him).

I missed him. And my mom. And my sister. And my nieces and nephew. And my BFF Marcey. And all the other people I live so far away from!! I'm surprised I didn't have yet another glass of wine to drown my sorrows in! Instead, I went to bed, sad that my dad was leaving in the morning. I didn't even have time to think about my crappy eating choices today...I was too sad! :-(

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