Friday, September 21, 2012

Trying to play catch up = short posts

Tuesday morning was chaos. We all woke up a bit later than we should've which is never helpful. On top of this, my daughter had to be at school an hour early for cross country running practice. Perfect. Just what the "we hate mornings" family needs. I somehow threw together lunch and breakfast for my daughter and got us all organized to leave the house on time, but this meant that I didn't eat breakfast. So I had a Starbucks soy chai latte on my way to work for breakfast instead.

When I scrambled out the door, I didn't have time to prep much for my lunch so I quickly threw a granola bar and leftover pasta into my lunch bag. I pretty much downed the granola bar the second I got to work. I was hungry!!

Between makeup sessions and report writing my morning flew by and next thing I knew it was lunch time.  Leftover tomato-basil cheese baked pasta it was.

I worked my butt off in the afternoon trying to wrap my head around the progress made by an individual in my group. It was report writing time again. Definitely the least favourite part of my job...I much prefer being in the classroom! After work, I headed back towards home and picked up my daughter from school. I was happy to see that she was making some plans with a friend to get together after school real soon. This made me smile 'cause she spent lots of years being super shy and anxious, so it's awesome to see her putting herself out there more!

Together we went home and together we snacked on protein bars.

Then I made my daughter some dinner before heading back to work. She had chicken drumsticks with a side of potatoes. I had nothing because by the time dinner was ready it was also time for me to go back to work! So I went to work and ran my program. And I really enjoyed it. I have a good group of participants right now which always makes things more enjoyable. And I like the topics covered in the next few sessions. It's always easier to drag yourself to work when you enjoy it!

After program I headed home, but made one quick pit stop along the way. I needed to pick up some shavings and food for my guinea pig! By the time I got home I was starving. I hadn't eaten dinner and it was almost 8:30! And in typical Shannon fashion, I was so hungry by the time I got home that I wanted something fast and easy that required little effort...this is what happens when I wait until I'm STARVING to eat. So I ended up reheating the last of the pasta leftovers from last night.

And of course, I had some wine with dinner. But only one. My dad and his girlfriend went to the Island for two nights so I was easily able to refrain myself from a second glass of wine. Note that I justify drinking extra wine as a social thing...

So let me get this straight for you, just so we're clear. I had pasta for dinner last night, lunch today and then again for dinner today. Great. Notice the healthy eating intentions are flying out the door? I really need to get myself organized now that school/work is back in full gear. When I'm organized and have an eating plan I do MUCH better than when I wing it!

AND, my fitness routine has been going down the drain a bit too :-(

I'm still making it to Burnaby Hit three times per week. It's my running goals that are not going as planned. I think I may have to rework my running schedule. By the time I get home from work on Tues evenings it's already pitch black - not ideal for running. I think I may have to make running a weekend event and take Tues/Thurs off. I'll let you know what I decide. But for now...that's it for my eating day!

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