Sunday, September 23, 2012

Colourful food and personal training

I'm going to be honest. I'm a few days behind on my blog and I'm trying to catch up while being a good hostess for my visiting dad and girlfriend. So really, I don't remember my Wednesday morning all that well. But based on my picture, I know that I didn't eat anything before I left my house and that I packed a banana and cut up some strawberries to eat when I got to my office.

I also know that I finished my report Wednesday morning. Then I had a granola bar to celebrate!

Lunch time consisted of soup from my freezer. Leftover from when I was sick and made by my husband from a recipe called my husband's healing stew.

I specifically remember only eating just over half of my soup. There was a LOT in this container. It was good...but the serving size was too much for me. Work Wednesday afternoon was a bit of a blur to me. I remember that I had forgotten to bring my water bottle, so I went to 7-11 to get some. I happened to walk by the nut section and couldn't help myself. I REALLY wanted some corn nuts. They were the chile picante fav.

I did my best to ignore the fact that there's about 200 calories in the little bag of corn nuts, and indulged myself. A few more hours later and it was home time. I picked up my daughter on my way home, dropped her off at our house and went back to her school for parent - teacher interviews. It went well and I heard lots of good things about my daughter that made me a proud momma. Love that girl!

After hearing all about how fantastic my daughter is (like I didn't know right?), I went home, gave her a big hug, then headed to Burnaby Hit to get my workout in.  And I sure am glad I did. It was quiet when I got there, which was both painful and to my advantage. Why? Because this meant that Teri was able to pretty much give me a personal training session. I'm not going to lie. Every muscle in my body hurt when I was done. She kicked my butt through that circuit. And I loved every second of it, as weird as that might sound. I'm not a masochist, but I felt every muscle in my body working, accomplished workouts that I thought I could never do (with her encouragement) and left feeling stronger and more confident than ever. I also left with a whole new set of exercises to do at the different stations to mix up my workout and challenge myself more. It was a definite thank you Teri!!

Obviously, when I got home, I ate a protein bar. Trust me - this one was well deserved!

Next up was dinner. I needed to keep it simple because we had our first girl guide meeting of the year tonight. No time for gourmet cooking. Plus I wanted to build on the momentum I started at the gym today. So, I made a big salad.

Romaine lettuce, red onion, cucumber, tomato, avocado, sunflower seeds, shredded cheese and a tbs of Italian dressing. Yummy. I had a full sized plate of salad...can't go wrong with salad right?

After we ate, my daughter and I went to the girl guide meeting. It was really good! We have a big group of girls this year, and more importantly, it looks like we have a group of fantastic girls that will be really fun to work with. Tonight was 'get to know you' games, some of which were pretty active, all of which were fun. A good start to what looks like will be a great year!

When we got home I was craving something sweet and had already ate a protein bar earlier today. And on top of that there were these lovely little pastries sitting in my fridge that my dad and his girlfriend had bought. I had resisted them for a few days already and I couldn't do it anymore. I caved. I ate one.

It was good. So much so that I had a glass of wine to wash it down.

And that pretty much sums up my eating day Wednesday. Three more blog days and I'll be all caught up. I'll do my best to catch up tomorrow. For's bed time!

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