Friday, September 14, 2012

My love affair with takeout

Finally, on Wednesday morning I woke up and felt pretty good. Don't get me wrong, I was still feeling a bit sick and my head cold had not gone away, but I was definitely well enough to start getting back into my regular exercise routine. Despite this, I still had a bit of a rough start in the morning and didn't have breakfast before leaving my house. I did however, throw some stuff together for a makeshift breakfast at work.

I'm on a bit of a fruit kick at the moment, so I had a banana with some berries and grapes. Then I thought to myself..."oatmeal cookies have oatmeal in them and oatmeal is a breakfast food, so my oatmeal cookie is actually meant for breakfast". So I ate 9am.

Outside of packing a cookie and some fruit for the day, I hadn't planned and packed much else. Today was going to have to be a takeout food lunch day. I've been trying to cut down on that for a variety of reasons, both health and financial, but it was takeout or starve today. So takeout it was. I opted for Junsei River food. It's just up the street from my work which is convenient! When I got back to my office, I started on my lunch. Their lunch special comes with miso soup so I had that first.

Then the tofu teriyaki, rice and cucumber rolls followed.

I ate all of the tofu teriyaki, most of the rice and only 2 of the sushi rolls. Guess I just wasn't really feeling the sushi today. I had some catchup to do in terms of work today with having been off sick earlier in the week. So I buckled down and tried to get caught up. Next thing you know it was home time, so I went and picked up my daughter.

After I got her from school, we proceeded to do our zillion errands. On the list was get tap and jazz shoes, drop off registration forms for girl guides, figure out dinner stuff, go to Burnaby Hit to get some exercise in and finally, pick up my husband in Richmond.  I sure do feel like a chauffeur sometimes!

First stop was my daughter's dance school where we lucked out and got a new pair of tap shoes for free. One of the girls had quickly grown out of her shoes and gave them away because there was a scuff on the toe. Perfect! I didn't really want to spend 80 something dollars on shoes she's going to grow out of in a few months anyway! Next stop was a dance store, 'cause she needed jazz shoes too. And jazz shorts. And tights. All in all a $100 shopping trip. Kid's activities are freakin' expensive! After spending about an hour in the store, I then raced to Burnaby Hit determined to not miss a chance to do the circuit now that I was feeling up to it. I needed to get back in action and not lose much more momentum! Thankfully Teri was in and with her encouragement I managed to get through the circuit and kick Bob's ass at the end. That felt good.

I then ran out of time for more errands so skipped over the food planning and guide form dropoff and went to pick up my husband. By the time we got through traffic there and back we were all starving and had zero planned for dinner. And then it happened. Takeout again. Twice in one day? Ouch. I know better, but this is what happens when I have nothing planned and get hungry. Convenience gives in to good sense. My husband and daughter opted for Church's Chicken. Clearly not a vegetarian friendly place. So, I walked around the corner to Pita Pit and did my best to get a 'healthy' takeout dinner.

It was a falafel wrap on whole wheat pita, also stuffed with lettuce, cucumber, red onion, green pepper and tsatsiki. Could be worse for a fast food choice right? When we left the fast food places, we made one more stop to drop off the guide registration forms. When we FINALLY got home, I was so hungry that I immediately dug in and ate more than half of my pita when I remembered to take a picture!

By this time it was late and I was exhausted from work, from running around, from working out, and from still being a bit sick, so I got my daughter ready for bed and decided to do the same. But more oatmeal cookie...

These bad boys are delicious. Seriously - make them. You won't regret it! And on that note...bedtime! Hopefully my love affair with fast food won't result in weird dreams. Does that actually happen when you eat too much junk? Fingers crossed for no...

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