Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pity party, part two

Enter pity party part two. It's not pretty. I more or less self-destructed last night and today in terms of my eating habits....Little to no effort sums it up nicely.

Maybe I should give myself a bit more credit. After all, I did make another breakfast smoothie to bring with me to work...

And when got to work I immediately ate an oatmeal cookie. I'm pretty sure my self talk went something like "Everything in my life sucks right now anyway, what difference does it make if I eat a cookie for breakfast". Healthy self-talk huh? Amazing how stuck I can get on negative sometimes.

After I ate my cookie, I ate the next thing I threw in my lunch bag. A nectarine.

And immediately after I ate some almonds.

I guess that was my 'I'm depressed' food binge. Could've been worse.

I got some work done in the afternoon. I still had that report to finish. Except that I couldn't freakin' concentrate :-(

Just before lunch time I had two interviews scheduled which was good, because it gave me a break from report writing. Unfortunately BOTH of them cancelled. Yep. Things just kept getting better. Sigh.

At this point it was around noon and I realized I didn't bring a lunch, outside of my food binge items listed above. I also realized I was hungry and that I was craving something that could (for me) fall in the category of comfort food. So I decided to resume my love affair with takeout. Rasoee anyone?

As you can clearly see, I opted for Indian food. Chickpea curry = Shanny comfort food. I brought my lunch back to my office and ate at my desk while I tried to get somewhere with my report. And I more or less ate  all of the over-sized portion.

Next thing you know, it was time to leave work! I was actually late leaving work today...and about 5 minutes late picking up my daughter! Thank god for cellphones - I was able to have my daughter wait at the office for me. I really must work on getting that girl a cell phone...for times like this.

After I picked her up we went home and she told me about her day. Sounded pretty good to me. More importantly, she told me about her big plans for the evening...her first dance! She was beyond excited and had chosen to wear a cute little dress for the occasion. Where did my little girl go? How is it possible that she was already going to Friday night dances? I decided to contemplate these questions while I went for a run. I had plans this evening too and I wanted to make sure I got my run in today. I needed to balance out all the crap I was eating!

All together I ran/walked 4.46km. I felt like I was dying the entire time...clearly I need to get back into the routine of running. Plus, the heat was killing me, I much rather run in the later evening when it's cooler. Either way, even though I didn't run as much as I was hoping to, I arrived home satisfied that I had got my butt back into gear. Enough with being sick already!

Next thing I knew, it was time to go pick up my husband from work. The plan was to get him quickly, come home, make something for dinner quickly, help my daughter do her hair for the dance and then go to a girl guide leader meeting I had scheduled for this evening. And let me just say at this point - what the hell has happened to me? I'm now spending my Friday nights at girl guide leader meetings? Don't get me wrong...I love the ladies I do guides with, they're great. And if we were hanging out for any other reason, I wouldn't have said anything, but my god - girl guide planning on a Friday night? I'm 31 years old not 60!! Jeez. 

Anyway, step one - pick up my husband quickly - was accomplished. The problem started with the drive home. Traffic was HORRIBLE. Turns out that by the time we were back in our neck of the woods there was absolutely no time to make dinner, so we did a McDonald's drive through run for our daughter instead. We then rushed home, she ate and I quickly helped her with her hair because her dance was starting in about 5 minutes!! I assisted my daughter in getting all dolled up (okay, she's beautiful!) and then we rushed out the door. While I dropped her off at her dance I realized two things. One - I hadn't eaten anything and had to go straight to my guide leader meeting (see this is why I don't call myself a fitness buff) and two - I had forgotten to take a picture of my daughter in her outfit for the dance in the mad rush to get there on time (worst mom ever award). I somehow managed to peel myself away from the door of the gym where the dance was held...and went to my meeting.

The meeting was great for a variety of reasons. First, a selfish reason - the ladies noticed my weight loss! That felt good. Second, we got a lot accomplished in those two hours. And third - we ate apple pie!
Unfortunately I had technical difficulties with my phone and the picture did not save. But don't worry - I only had one piece. I girl guide promise you.

9:30pm rolled around quick and it was time to pick up my daughter from her dance. I'm happy to report two things. She walked out of the dance with a great big smile because she had a fun night. She did not slow dance with boys. Good girl! We went home, gossiped about her night and eventually went to bed. I didn't even have any more junk food as part of my personal pity party. End pity party part two.

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