Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wednesday's eats...the run down

Yesterday morning, I woke up and decided to do something different for in not toast and not cereal with yogurt. So I made a breakfast smoothie.

I adapted the recipe by adding a squirt of honey. And used blueberry greek yogurt in place of plain yogurt. And used whole flax seeds instead of ground ones. And used regular milk (weird for me...big time) instead of almond milk. And mixed berries instead of blueberries. And it was good!

I drank my smoothie on my way to work and decided I could get used to drinking these in the mornings. When I got to work, I got busy right away because I had been off since last Thursday. At about noon I had time for a quick I had some sliced up pear.

I downed my pear quickly between meetings. Finally, around 1:30 I had time to eat lunch. Leftover stirfry on rice. Still yummy!

And shortly afternoon snack.

Certainly got my fill of fruits and veggies yesterday! Soon after eating my blueberries, it was home time. Well actually, it was pick up my daughter from school time. I anxiously drove to her school, worried I'd be late! But I made it on time and all was well. I was so happy to be able to pick her up from school and hear all about her day. She got to see her friends AND got to learn salsa dancing AND didn't have homework so she was a happy girl.

When we got home, I decided that I needed more food. So I had my almonds that I packed for work and didn't have time to eat. 20 almonds to be precise.

I also ate some almonds because I needed a snack before hitting the gym. Next up was Burnaby Hit and I knew better than to go there on a completely empty stomach! I thought maybe the almonds would give me some kind of magical boost of energy to make the circuit easy...but that didn't happen! I had to work my butt off to get through it, but I made it...barely. This workout kicks my butt!

After I finished my workout, I went to pick up my husband from work. We raced back home and I proceeded to eat a protein bar as quickly as possible!

See! I didn't even want to put that baby down for the picture!

A little bit of relaxing time with my daughter came next, followed by cooking dinner (and drinking a vodka cooler). What the hell. It was a long day. For the record, I only drank the vodka cooler 'cause my fridge was out of wine....

My family had homemade meatball subs for dinner and clearly that wasn't an option for me. So instead, I made myself a chickpea-wheatberry salad.

I love his salad. It tastes so good and is so good for you! I halved the recipe since I'm the only one in my house who eats it and also omitted the tomato. I also added a squirt of honey to the dressing. So good....definitely going to be eating this for lunch tomorrow too!

After dinner, was bonding time with my family. Later on this expanded to BBQ munchie eating time with my family.

As you can see I managed to stop after only one handful. I consider this a success. We both know that the old Shannon would've eaten the bag. I like the new Shannon better. Self-control is fantastic! And on that positive's bed time. Goodnight!

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