Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sad on Sunday

Sunday morning came quickly...and early. We had to be at the airport by 8am to see my dad and his girlfriend off. Boo....

When we got to the airport, I drowned my sorrows in a Starbucks chai latte. Even though I had already had my weekend one.

Lots of hugs and kisses later and my dad was gone back to Winnipeg. And I was all pouty faced. I hate saying goodbye to my family! My husband knew I was going to be even more pouty faced if we spent the day at home, so he took me to Stevenson village to walk around. We walked through the part of town where Once Upon a Time is filmed much to my daughter's delight. We then headed down to the docks for my husband and daughter to buy fresh salmon from the fishermen for dinner tonight. I tried to be cheerful, but I was still pretty sad. Eventually we headed home at which point we realized we were all really hungry.

The last thing I felt like doing was making breakfast/brunch/lunch so my husband again tried to cheer me up by bringing me out for brunch. We went to IHOP. :-)

I ordered some orange juice to start and then worked on figuring out what I wanted to order.

Suddenly I was having major sweet I decided to order a strawberry-banana Danish fruit crepe. It looked like this when it arrived in front of me.

I figured that this already wasn't the healthiest choice so I probably didn't need the pound of whipped cream on top. I scraped some off and then it looked like this.

As you can see I also stole a few hashbrowns from my husband and daughter. I needed something salty to balance out the sweet. And sweet it was!! There were two crepes on the plate and I ate one and a half. I just couldn't do two, but that's okay 'cause I probably didn't need to do two anyway. After we ate, I definitely felt less sad, but kind of felt more guilty. What the heck was I doing eating this?? I REALLY needed to get back on track with the eating.

Unfortunately, in the afternoon, I wasn't done feeling sorry for myself. We picked up a cedar plank from the grocery store, went back home and worked on cutting up the whole salmon into fillets. Between me, my husband and You Tube, we were able to figure it out. Then I threw the fish into a marinade, soaked the cedar plank and sat my butt in front of the television. At this point chips seemed like a good idea so I had a handful of Jalapeno-cheddar Doritos.

I vegged out/pouted on the couch with my daughter until it was time to start cooking dinner. When that time arrived, I decided to have a glass of wine while I barbequed the salmon.

I must say that cedar plank salmon smells delicious when it's cooking. It almost tempts be to eat fish again. ALMOST. With the salmon, I made sauteed garlic asparagus topped with parmesan cheese and rice with mushrooms and peppers.

I ate the asparagus and rice. It was tasty! I was told the fish was delicious too!

After dinner, I hung out with my family. We didn't do too much. I got my daughter in bed early so that she'd be able to wake up easier in the morning. Then I ate a protein bar...

...watched the season finale of Breaking Bad with my husband and headed to bed. That's it, that's all. I was still feeling pouty faced!

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